  • 學位論文

A Study of Customer Satisfaction in Bac Me Electricity Company

A Study of Customer Satisfaction in Bac Me Electricity Company

指導教授 : 魏乃捷






Electricity plays very important role in daily life and business as well. Especially, in modern society where almost devices use electricity to operate.Therefore, the need for electricity of people has been increasing during these years. There is a fact that, many Vietnamese electricity capacity can not meet customers’ need, especially in the summer when the weather is hot. Sometimes, there is electricity cut. Thus it affects to daily life of the people, even people living in the mountainous areas like Bac Me, Ha Giang province. The study is conducted to evaluate whether customers satisfied with products and services of Bac Me electricity company or not. Moreover, it is expected to find factors that affect satisfaction levels of customers. The study applys quantitative research method. Sample population includes household and business customers who consuming electricity of Bac Me company. Data is collected via questionnaire survey in Bac Me district. Data is analyzed by statistic software SPSS version 20. The result shows that in general customers are satisfied with services of the Bac Me electricy company.


Electricity Customer satisfaction


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