  • 學位論文


Effect of police work stress and job burnout retirement Attitude

指導教授 : 劉鴻陞 林皆興


由於社會急遽變遷,警察人員的工作環境也較以往複雜及危險,因警察工作不僅具高辛勞性(24小時的勤務)及高危險性,且具高度工作壓力,在此特殊的情境下,極易造成員警身心方面的傷害,進而成為壓力失調之高危險群,導致疾病侵襲,甚至爆發激烈的自殺行為。本研究的目的在探討員警工作壓力對工作倦怠與退休態度之影響,以信度、效度分析、因素分析及相關性與迴歸分析、層級迴歸進行統計分析。 本研究結果發現: 一、 工作壓力對工作倦怠有部分正向影響。 二、 工作倦怠對退休態度有部分正向影響。 三、 工作壓力對退休態度有部分正向影響。 四、 工作倦怠對工作壓力與退休態度具有部分中介作用。


Sharply due to social changes, police officers working environment is complex and dangerous than in the past, due to the hard work of police work not only with high resistance (24 hour service) and high risk, and possessed a high degree of work stress, in this particular situation, a very the police could easily lead to physical and psychological harm, and thus become a high risk of pressure imbalance, leading to disease and even the outbreak of violent suicide. The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of police work stress and job burnout Attitude towards retirement, with the reliability, validity analysis, factor analysis and correlation and regression analysis, hierarchical regression statistical analysis. The results: 1. Working pressure some positive impact on job burnout. 2. Burnout some positive impact on retirement attitudes. 3. Working pressure some positive impact on retirement attitudes. 4. Working on job stress and burnout with partial retirement attitudes intermediary role.


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