  • 學位論文


A Study of Personnel retirement and deployment –Evidence from Kaohsiung Police Department traffic Squad

指導教授 : 蕭宏金 葉上葆


行政院人事總處統計全國各警察機關現有人力7萬3,608人,缺額高達7,651人,比原來推估退離人數與實際人數誤差竟高達49.4%,人事總處在考試院院會中報告指出,由於警察人力長期出現大量缺額,等到招考、結訓分發,缺額又擴大,老是補不齊,歸納出問題不在「人力不足」,而是「有缺無人」、「訓不及用」。警政署過去是以最近25年基層離退人數平均值計算,與實際差距太大,經查最近5年退休人數逐年增加,且呈現「季節性效應」,警政署改採新公式,認為推算出的人力需求數字誤差可縮減到5%,將依照修正後的警力退離預估模型、配合擴大招募人數以補足警力缺口。 高雄市政府警察局交通警察大隊在警力長期不足的情況下,勤務較繁重分隊案件累積、工作量大,遇大案必須優先處理、小案只得延遲。因此,本研究預先探討機關的人員編制,希望能夠了解各單位警力是否真的不足?警力配置是否不適當?並期望能藉由定期盤點作業找出問題的所在。


Executive Yuan total personnel at the statistics across the country police manpower existing 73608 people, 7651 people shortfall of up to more than the original reckoning back from the error number and the actual number is as high as 49.4%, total personnel will be at the Academy of examination report stated due to the long-term police manpower dramatic shortfalls, until recruitment, training knot distribution shortfall has expanded, always make up missing, summarized the problem is not "lack of manpower", but "there is no shortage," "with less training." The NPA is based on the past 25 years, recently retired grassroots number average calculation and the actual gap is too large, the investigation in the last five years the number of retirees increases every year, and presented a "seasonal effects" NPA shift to a new formula that calculate the manpower requirements of digital error can be reduced to 5%, the police in accordance with the revised forecast model from the back, with the expansion of the number of recruiting police officers to fill the gap. Kaohsiung City Government Police Department Traffic Police Brigade police at the long-term shortage situation was, more onerous service accumulation unit cases, heavy workload, the case must be major priorities, the case had little delay. Accordingly, the present staffing agencies to explore research in advance, hoping to find out whether it is lack of police units? Police configuration is inappropriate? And can be expected to find a job periodic inventory problem.


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