  • 學位論文


A Case Study of Civilian Affairs of Military in Hengchin Area

指導教授 : 蕭宏金


研究生係任職於海軍陸戰隊三軍聯合作戰訓練基地(以下簡稱聯訓基地),有鑑於聯訓基地與地方政府長期互動下,仍舊時有耳聞民眾陳抗事件發生,因此對聯訓基地之各項民事工作之推展及其細節進行研究,以瞭解其成因與改進建議。 本研究範圍係自民國103年至107年,就聯訓基地現有各項民事工作文獻資料中,以屏東縣恆春鎮、車城鄉地區洋蔥助收、牛羊戶管制、地方民俗文化活動、環境清潔與整理等事件,其中又以洋蔥助收作為民事工作上具代表性的主要研究,探討其軍民互動關係及解決方案,進而能提升該地區民事工作之效率。 研究發現影響恆春、車城兩鄉鎮居民陳抗之最大因素,即為「政治人物操弄及地方民眾不熟悉法令規章、行政程序及處理流程」,然地方有求於國軍部隊時,即以協助改善軍民關係為由,要求部隊協助;然平日無事時,即藉部隊演訓妨礙安寧干擾作息,發起陳抗事件。然聯訓基地為目前國軍唯一火砲射擊場地,平時與地方仕紳保持良性互動,適時給予居民關懷及其所需,樹立部隊良好形象,就能降低民眾與部隊的矛盾對立,另各進演訓部隊為達進訓績效,並於進訓期間,編組民事小組,一同協助聯訓基地實施民事工作。 聯訓基地對各項民意處理方式,針對演訓對民眾利益所造成的影響,負起全般的責任,並由管理者、業管部門,編組,以能即時因應外界陳抗情況,並建一套早期預警機制以為所據。


As the officer in Marine Corps Joint Operational Training Base (JOTB), my research aims to explore the development and details in civilian affairs to understand the cause and the improvement suggestion to cease the civilian protestation even if there is a long term interaction between the military and the local government. This research is based on the related literature of civilian affairs in JOTB and focuses on the years of the sample from 2014 to 2017 with harvesting onions, herding cattle, local religious cultures, environment clean etc. in Hengchin and Checheng townships . The harvesting onions is the representation of major subject when it comes to civilian affairs to study the interaction of civil-military relationships to improve the efficiency of local civilian affairs. The primary factor of the civilian protestation in Hengchin and Checheng townships is that politician play with ordinance, regulation, administrative procedure and process that civilians are unfamiliar. The politicians will apply for assistance from troops for the reason to improve civil-military relationships. Once they don’t need to help, they launch the protestation to accuse troops of having interfered with civilian work and rest. Now JOTB is the only place for joint operation live fire exercise. Keep positive interaction with key men in peace time and show care for the resident to help solve problems what they need in time to set up a good reputation of troops is the way to reduce the contradiction and the opposition in civil-military relationships . The task force which conduct live fire exercise in JOTB sets up a civilian affairs team to cooperate with JOTB to deal with civilian affairs in order to meet the excellent training performance. JOTB is responsible for the civilian affairs in Hengchin area especially in the disadvantage of the civilian interest during military exercise, and therefore builds a early warning mechanism with the organization of supervisor and administration to quick react to the civilian protestation in time.


國防大學軍事學院(2004)。國軍軍語辭典(92 年修訂本)。台北:國防部。
