  • 學位論文


New living environment of seniors - discussion of health village management.

指導教授 : 李建興 田瑞駒


由於近代醫療科技進步與健保制度的普及,台灣人民平均壽命逐年攀升,我國自1993年起邁入高齡化以來,65歲以上老人所占比率持續攀升。而少子化所造成的家庭及居住型態的改變,進一步加劇了子女照顧長輩的壓力;雖然人口老化是世界的趨勢,但我國卻是老化速度最快的國家之一,我們只有非常短的時間做調適,因此對於銀髮族住宅等相關照護設施的需求,在可見的未來一定會逐年增加。 本論文的研究方法,對於養生村人力資源、行銷、財務、 發展與服務品質等管理進行探討,透過文獻資料參考國內外銀髮族住宅差異,並且實地訪查及專家深度訪談方式做分析,藉以對目前銀髮住宅不足及須加強的部分,提出具體適當建議,作為國內養生村經營的參考。 老人福利議題在高齡化社會的到來時,需要以多元創新的服務來面對。銀髮族新生活環境的選擇,具備專業醫療照護品質、安全寬敞的居住空間,及幽雅環境與休閒設施是銀髮族選擇住宿養生村頤養天年的主要因素。養生村提供了完善居住空間,得使銀髮族擁有在一個有品質可獨立自主的尊嚴生活。


銀髮族 養生村 高齡化


Due to the fact that the progress of modern medical technology and the popularize of health care system, the average of life expectany in Taiwan has increased steadily. Taiwan has turned into an aging society, and the rate of the seniors group rised steadily since 1993. Family patterns and living patterns have changed because of the low birth rate, and the pressure on children, to take care of their elders, is getting exacerbating. Although aging population is the trend of the world, Taiwan is one of the fastest aging country. To adapt living pattern in a short time, the demand for the seniors housing and seniors nursing might be increased for the upcoming future. The emphasis of this research is to discuss the management of Senior Health Village, in the aspects of human resources, marketing, financial affairs, expansibility, quality of service and so on. Through the literature review, field visiting, and the analysis of senior health village from experts, we can tell the difference between domestic and other countries. Therefore, this research not only can find out the weakness for manage the Seniors Health Village in domestic but also can make suggestions for the problem that we don't realize at first. Elderly welfare issues need to be treated with a pluralistic and innovative way. In my opinion, seniors living environment should contain professional health care quality, safety spacious living space, elegant environment and leisure facilities. Seniors Health Village not only include all the elements above-mentioned, but also offer a high quality living space which can make seniors live independently.


Seniors Senior Health Village Aging society


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