  • 學位論文


Applying Blended Learning Method on MOODLE Digital Learning Plateform for Extended Mathematics Learning of Gifted Junior High School Students

指導教授 : 陳秀如


本研究目的在於探討運用MOODLE數位學習平台進行國中資優數學延伸學習之研究。台灣的十二年國民基本教育強調學生應具有活用知識,並習得數學的基本能力,以適應未來多元化、資訊化及國際化的環境變遷。 國中生在教育會考的壓力下,影響他們對數學學習的熱情。近來網路學習已是新興的學習方式,此種學習活動是透過師生的電腦網路並運用即時互動工具(文字或討論形式),在約定或非約定時間,進行線上問答與討論,用以解決學生在學習上的困難。透過雲端與傳統的混成式學習策略可以提供不同方式解決國中教師們在教學現場上所遇到的問題,因此本研究探討此學習策略對國中資優學生進行國中資優數學延伸學習的應用情形。 本研究採用個案研究法,深入了解數學資優學生對於傳統學習方式與使用數位學習進行數學延伸學習之情形。本研究共挑選出四名參與高雄市國中數學競賽之同學,除傳統教室教學的學習外,並使用線上內容皆在「MOODLE數位學習平台」高雄數位學習課程網的數學延伸課程,包含教材學習、團體學習以及影片多媒體學習三種不同的學習方式,讓他們可以在彈性時間使用MOODLE,並與師長討論數學問題,學生透過MOODLE接收不同的學習過程。此研究結果可做為國中數學資優學生對於延伸課程學習模式與方法的參考。


This research is to explore the use of MOODLE Digital Learning Platform for gifted junior high school students in mathematics learning. Due to 12-year Compulsory Education in Taiwan, it emphasizes that students should have a basic ability to utilize their knowledge and build their basic mathematics competence in order to accommodate themselves to the vast amount of information in the future and to the changed international environment. Junior high school students are under the pressure of examinations and the pressure affects their enthusiasm for learning mathematics. Recently, learning through the Internet has been an emergent approach, which is a question-answer activity and a discussion between teachers and students through the use of real-time computer network and interactive tools (text or discussion forum) in the arranged time so as to solve students’poblems in learning math. By using both of the Digital Learning Plateform and the traditional learning method, the blended learning method can provide different approach to help teachers solve their problems in teaching, so this research is to explore how this learning method is applied for extended mathematics learning of gifted junior high school students. This research adopts the method of case study which deeply understands how the gifted students learn extended teaching materials in mathematics by using both of the traditional method and the digital learning method. There are four students who had participated in Kaohsiung Mathematics Competition joined in this research. In addition to the learning in the classroom, these four students also had extension courses on the MOODLE Digital Learning Platform, Kaohsiung e-learning courses. They are provided three different ways of math teaching, including text, collective learning, and video learning. They used MOODLE and interviewed about their problems in mathematics with teachers in their free time. Through the process of different learning, students accepted the learning through MOODLE. The results can be used for references of mathematics extension teaching of gifted students.


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