  • 學位論文


Bystanders’ Constructive or Destructive Reactions toward Vicarious Abusive Supervision: The Role of Relationship Quality and Attribution

指導教授 : 彭台光


目前旁觀者觀點的不當督導研究存在兩個重要但未解的缺口。第一,過去研究指出旁觀者與當事者(主管或同事)的三角互動關係對於不當督導對旁觀者的影響性扮演重要角色。很可惜,迄今實證研究只考慮單一對偶關係(只考慮旁觀者與主管的關係,或是只考慮旁觀者與同事的關係),以至於我們對旁觀者同時考量與兩個當事者的關係如何影響旁觀者看到不當督導與後續對組織、主管與同事的反應的關係所知有限。其次,探討旁觀者對不當督導反應的研究忽略旁觀者歸因的重要性。因此,我們對旁觀者在回應不當督導的過程中是如何解讀不當督導發生的前因後果一無所知。有鑒於此,本研究立基於Heider(1958)平衡理論來探討旁觀者聽聞不當督導對不同對象的反應一致或不一致的情境機制。進一步地我們整合歸因理論的觀點,提出旁觀者對同事受不當督導做出同事歸因、主管歸因或關係歸因可視為旁觀者看到或聽到同事受不當督導後產生的心理機制,此心理機制有助於解釋為何旁觀者對不同對象會產生相同或不同反應的原因。 本研究透過兩個三因子受試者間的情境劇本實驗進行假說檢驗。研究一我們收集367個有工作經驗的台灣大學生樣本,資料結果顯示當旁觀者與主管關係品質好且與同事關係品質不好時,雖會強化其看到聽到同事受主管不當督導與後續對主管忠誠的關係,但旁觀者與主管關係品質好且與同事關係品質好時強化效果更佳。研究二我們做到八個實驗情境同時操弄並隨機分派,另收一組137人包含有工作經驗的學生樣本及全職工作者樣本的分析,結果亦顯示相較於其他情況,旁觀者與主管關係品質好且與受害同事關係品質也好的情況下更能誘發其看到聽到同事受主管不當督導與後續對主管忠誠的關係,此結果與研究一相同。另外,旁觀者與主管關係品質好且與受害同事關係品質也好的情況下,對於其看到聽到不當督導與後續對主管建言的關係強化效果最好。最後,雖研究一與研究二的中介效果假說均未得到支持,但以歸因為心理機制仍值得未來研究探討。 總體而言,本研究是第一個系統性地從旁觀者的觀點探討不當督導對不同對象的影響之研究。理論貢獻是提供初探性實徵證據,回應學者們對於探討此議題是不容忽視的呼籲。亦即,我們整合旁觀者與主管關係品質(leader-member exchange, LMX)、旁觀者與同事的關係品質(coworker-member exchange,CMX),更完整探討旁觀者看到他人受不當督導後如何應對組織、主管與同事。本研究實務貢獻是提供主管、部屬與旁觀者管理好多元對偶互動關係在處理不當督導的影響性應受到重視的參考依據。


Two unresolved problems are obvious in the vicarious abusive supervision (VAS) research. First, previous studies indicated that the triadic relationships among the observers, the victims, and the supervisors play an important role in determining the impact of VAS on differ targets, including organizations, supervisors, and victims. However, so far, empirical evidence is so limited that we are unable to further clarify its potential influence. Second, research has not systematically investigated the mediating process between the vicarious abusive supervision and the third parties’ reactions toward different targets. Thus, to date, our understanding of the impact of VAS is clearly insufficient. Based on Heider’s (1958) balance theory lens, this research examines when VAS will evoke third parties’ similar (different) reactions toward the organizations, the supervisors and the coworkers. Moreover, this research infers that bystanders’ target-directed attribution, supervisor-directed attribution, and relational attribution can be viewed as the psychological process between VAS and its consequences. This psychological process helps explain why VAS can cause third parties’ different reactions toward different targets. Two 2*2*2 between-subject experiments with scenario design were conducted to test our hypotheses. In study 1, the research samples were 367 undergraduate students who have work experiences from three universities in Taiwan. For the results of the three-way interaction effect, our research findings indicated that, as compared to other relationship combinations, when bystanders have high LMX with their supervisor and high CMX with the victim, the positive relationship between VAS and their loyalty behavior toward supervisor will be significantly strengthened. Random assign experiment design was conducted in study 2, the research samples size is 137 consisting with undergraduate students who have work experiences from a universities and full-time workers from a hospital in Taiwan. The findings in study 2 also indicated that, as compared to other relationship combinations, when bystanders have high LMX with their supervisor and high CMX with the victim, the positive relationship between VAS and their loyalty behavior toward supervisor will be significantly strengthened. Besides, as compared to other relationship combinations, when bystanders have high LMX with their supervisor and high CMX with the victim, the positive relationship between VAS and their voice behavior toward supervisor will be strengthened. Finally, although the mediating role of bystanders’ attributions was not supported in study 1 and study 2. It is still an important psychological process that should be taken into account. To sum up, this research is the first to systematically examine how LMX and CMX jointly influence the relationship between VAS and its consequences. This research offers theoretical implications by providing empirical evidence in response to previous call. This research also offers practical implications for supervisors and subordinates to take both the influences of LMX and CMX into consideration.


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