  • 學位論文


A Study on Marketing Strategy of Long-term Care Insurance

指導教授 : 林皆興


台灣國民平均壽命延長,自民國八十二年起就正式邁入高齡化社會。並且生育率持續降低,內政部所公佈最新人口指標,前年(2010)出生人數16.7 萬人,較2009 年減少2 萬餘人,台灣(2009)出生人數19.1 萬,再創歷年新低。家庭結構改變成小家庭跟雙薪家庭,更使家中能執行照顧失能者之人力短缺。此種人口老化情形亦普遍存在世界各國,而隨著行政院通過「長照十年計劃」及目前審議中的「長期照護服務法」草案,有越來越多人會開始重視長期看護險。 目前國內「長照十年計劃」及許多相關長期照護的計劃雖都已在推行中。但限制門檻較多及偏向特定族群方可申請,加上由於最重要的國內長期照護法案仍在審議中,在缺乏全民納保之下,國人之長期看護所有負擔現在均只能自行籌措!因此個案公司中推出的長期看護險雖然均能提供國人在需要長期照顧時經濟上的補償,但仍由於理賠的認定上不一、價格因素,以及民眾觀念上尚未普遍重視所以成長空間仍非常大。相信將來在政府的長照法草案通過後,鑑於有政府法源及財源上灌注,將能更有效降低需要長期照護國人之部分負擔並引國人起注意,這時候再搭配個案公司所推出的各式長期看護商品便能和全民健保實施後之商業醫療險一般更廣受重視。 本研究透過專家訪談的模式,針對國內保險業者的長期看護險做行銷策略分析,進而歸納出為何目前國內之長期看護險投保率偏低原因,找出較符合國人現況的保單,以明瞭長期看護險在台灣之發展方向。


Taiwan has officially become an aging society and life expectancy also extended since 1993. Besides, birth rate is decreasing. The Ministry of the Interior announced the latest demographic indicators the number of the births in the previous year 2010 is 167000 that compared to 2009 decreased by 20000. The number of the births is 191000 in 2009.Family’s structure is changing into the smaller families with dual-earned household. It causes that no one can take care of disabled people in the family. Although the Long-term care service ten-year plan and a number of related long-term care plans have implemented, only specific groups are allowed to apply it. The most important long-term care bill is still under review. Self-financing is the way for long-term care. The findings suggest that the support of government is the most important factor affecting the motivation of purchasing long-term care insurance. In this study pattern through interviews with experts, long-term care for the domestic insurance industry's risk analysis do marketing strategy, and then summed up why the current long-term care insurance coverage of the low rate of domestic reasons, more in line with people to find out the status of the policy, in order to understand the long-term care insurance in the direction of Taiwan.


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