  • 學位論文


The Relationships among Physical Activity, Physical Fitness, and Peer Relationship of Fifth and Sixth Grades Elementary School Students- An Example of Tianzhong of Changhua County

指導教授 : 張君如


摘 要 本研究以彰化縣田中地區公立國民小學為研究範圍,探討國小高年級學童身體活動量、健康體適能、同儕關係間之相關性。採分層隨機與比例分配的抽樣方法,共發放345份問卷,刪除31份無效問卷,有效樣本數為314份,有效回收率為91.01%。所得資料以描述性統計、信效度分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析等方法進行資料分析,研究結果歸納如下: 一、受試學童的身體活動量屬中上程度,活動類型以走路、爬樓梯、追逐跑跳、騎腳踏車等為主,較缺乏技能性體育活動,且以週六、週日較常從事身體活動,週三課後及週五放學後次之;健康體適能方面,肌肉適能表現偏弱;在同儕關係上,整體同儕關係偏向於無意見與符合之間。 二、不同性別的國小學童,在身體活動量、同儕關係,以及健康體適能中之「BMI值」、「柔軟度」、「瞬發力」達顯著性差異,其中男生之身體活動量顯著高於女生;女生之同儕關係平均值大於男生;健康體適能中之「BMI值」、「瞬發力」,男生高於女生,但在「柔軟度」方面,女生顯著高於男生。 三、不同身體活動量的國小學童,在健康體適能中的BMI值上呈現顯著性影響,其中身體活動量高分組之受試學童大於低分組。 四、不同身體活動量的國小學童,在同儕關係上達到顯著性差異,其中身體活動量高分組之受試學童大於低分組。


Abstract The purpose of this study was to explore the relationships among physical activity, health fitness, and peer relationship of fifth and sixth grades students at the public elementary schools of Tianzhong of Changhua County. A total of 345 questionnaires were distributed under stratified random and proportional allocation sampling. After deleting 31 invalid 314 valid questionnaires were obtained, and the valid response rate was 91.01%. Descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, t-test, and ANOVA were used to analyze. The major findings were as follows: 1.The level of physical activity of the subjects was high-intermediate. The major types of activity were stairs climbing, bicycling and chasing-running-jumping, while skilled sports were few. The major time of physical activity were Saturdays and Sundays, then follows Wednesdays and Fridays after school. In the aspect of physical fitness, muscle fitness was a little weak. In the aspect of peer relationship, the whole peer relationship was between no opinion and coincidence. 2.Elementary school students of different genders have significant differences in physical activity, peer relationship, and BMI, flexibility, explosive power of health fitness. Furthermore, boys were significant bigger than girls in physical activity; Girls are bigger than boys in the average of peer relationship; boys were bigger than girls in BMI and explosive power of health physical fitness while girls were bigger than boys in flexibility. 3.Elementary school students of different physical activity have significant influence in BMI of health fitness, and the high group of physical activity was bigger than the low one. 4.Elementary school students of different physical activity have significant difference in peer relationship, and the high group of physical activity was bigger than the low one.


