  • 學位論文


The Study of Key Points for Customers Choosing Motor Vehicle Insurance Marketing Channels

指導教授 : 蘇文斌


汽車保險一直在財產保險業務中佔有比例最高之險種,近幾年來受到整體新車市場銷售環境不佳、通路及費率惡性競爭之影響,保費收入連年下降。在民國98年4月1日起正式實施第三階段任意汽車險費率自由化後,各家保險公司針對不同通路及被保險人損失經驗可自行制定費率,使得整個汽車保險市場進入更嚴重的價格競爭。因此本研究以探討消費者購買汽車保險通路選擇之關鍵因素、藉此提供通路業者了解銷費者對保險銷售通路的需求,以提經營績效。 研究結果發現認知、涉入程度與購買意願彼此間皆呈現顯著正相關,消費者對商品的認知程度以及對通路的涉入越高,則有越高之購買意願。社會風險、財務風險、心理風險、績效風險及時間風險等知覺風險各構面皆呈顯著正相關,此部份說明消費者知覺風險的一致性。通路部份在保險經紀/代理人、車商及網路、電話行銷等通路應加強銷售人員、銷售工具或銷售平台上更清楚的解說,讓客戶能更容易的了解;而在沒有出險經驗及車齡在1年以下的消費者,通路業者行銷時應充分了解客戶實際的使用狀況,提供最適當的商品、售後服務及提升銷售流程之效率,以滿足客戶需求,進而提升經營績效。


購買意願 涉入 知覺風險 認知


The motor vehicle insurance has been the highest proportion of all lines product of property insurance market. In the past few years, due to the whole environment for newly-purchased motor vehicles which is not in good condition as well as the vicious competition of distribution channel and premium rate. The premium income decline consecutively in recent years. On Apr 1st of Year 98 in Taiwan, The Government implement the 3rd phase of premium rate liberalization of Voluntary motor Vehicle insurance. Since then, every insurance company draw up individual table rate according to loss ratio of various kind of distribution channel and the insured. It turned out that the motor insurance market went into severe competition. Therefore, this research is to study the key factors of the purchase intention when the consumers choose their channel of buying the motor Vehicle insurance. Through this, we can provide insurance-selling media with the understanding of the consumers’ demand on distribution channel of insurance thereby raise the performance of operation. The result of research indicates that there are positive correlation in between the cognition, degree of involvementAnd purchase intention.The higher level of consumers’ cognition of merchandise and the involvement with channels, the stronger buying will they have. Social risks, financial risks, mental risks, performance risks, time risks and so on the conscious risks shows the positive correlation in every aspects. This part explains the Consistency of consumers’ conscious risks. As for the distribution channels such as insurance broker/agent, car dealer, telephone and internet marketing, etc. they shall emphasize on more explicitly expression form salesmen, selling media and marketing platform.Thus, they can let their customer understand more easily.The distributors shall try their best realize the practical condition of their usage, provide the most appropriate product, after-sell service, and high efficiency of selling process when their target customer who has no experience of filing a claim and the age of vehicle is under one year.Hence they can fulfill the need of customers and raise higher efficiency of their operation.


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