  • 學位論文


A Study of Balanced Scorecard Applied to Call center Performance Management –A Case Study of Internet Service Call Center of C Telecom Company

指導教授 : 薛夙珍


商業環境的競爭日益激烈,包括全球化、資訊科技發展運用以及顧客導向市場等等,企業經營對於「顧客關係管理」亦日趨重視。而客服部門的建置、運作與管理,已是企業做好顧客關係管理不可缺少的環節,因此,在各行業乃至非營利機構的組織發展中,均可看到客服中心在近年來不斷成立,客服產業相對成長迅速,利用客服中心建立與客戶溝通橋樑並提供更好的客戶服務儼然是現今企業經營相當重視的經營目標之一。 而客服中心的建置往往被企業經營者視為成本支出部門,事實上,客服中心從過去單純的提供受理客戶諮詢服務已慢慢走向電話外撥行銷的準獲利部門,因此,企業針對客服中心經營可結合企業策略目標並經由績效管理方式,透過適當的指標選擇來對客服中心營運進行績效評估,更有效率經營客服中心。 本研究以平衡計分卡四構面-顧客、內部流程、財務及學習與成長結合常見客服中心關鍵績效指標,針對個案客服中心現行策略目標及績效管理成果進行研究,發現個案客服中心現行績效管理制度有以下現象: (1) 無學習成長構面相關評估 (2) 顧客構面所選擇關鍵績效指標在服務水準評估增加穩定度考核,是有助於客服中心電話撥通率評估,帶給客戶更正向的觀感,且更有效運用人力。但評估指標對於客戶滿意度權重卻不如服務水準,無法顯示出與策略目標間連結性。 (3) 財務構面績效指標缺少成本方面的評估。 據此,本研究針對個案客服中心提出平衡計分卡四個構面的關鍵績效指標建議如下: (1) 顧客面依據策略目標應調高顧客滿意度權重。 (2) 財務面可增加每通電話成本評核。 (3) 建立學習成長構面的績效評核項目。 讓客服中心績效能經由平衡計分卡四構面各項評估指標獲得更完整與企業策略結合,達到績效管理目標。 未來研究,建議能針對不同屬性客服中心進行相關評估分析,以更多案例數據來建立客服中心經營管理模式,相信能讓客服部門為企業創造更好的顧客服務價值並成功的獲利。


The competition in the business environment is increasing, including globalization, information technology development and customer-oriented marketing, etc., "customer relationship management" has become more and more important in enterprise. The development, operation and management of a call center is a indispensable par t for enterprise to maintain good customer relationship. Therefore, in various industries including non-profit organization, call centers have been established in recent years. Using call center set up the communication with customers and provides a bridge to better customer service is one of important business objectives in the current business. But the call center is often considered as the cost department by the enterprise managers. In fact, it has accepted the customer call for service in the past moves toward call out telephone to dial the marketing slowly. Therefore, the call center manage goals can corporate strategy combined through performance management, through choose the correct indicators on the performance evaluation of call center operations, call center can become more efficient. In this study, we use the BSC combined with common call center key performance indicators for the case study call center performance management. We found: (1) There is no assessment of learning and growth perspective related (2) The key performance indicators of service level increase stability in customer perspective will contribute the evaluation, positive impression to the customer and effective use of human resource. However, for customer satisfaction evaluation index weights are not as good as the standard of service, and strategic goals can’t be demonstrated between the connectivity. No assessment of learning and growth perspective related. (3) Financial performance indicators of the lack of human dimensions assessment of the cost. Accordingly, this study adjusted the case call center BSC of the key performance indicators as follows: (1) According with the strategic objectives, we should be to increase the customer satisfaction weight. (2) The financial side can increase the cost per call evaluation. (3) Try to establish the learning and growth performance evaluation. To call center performance through the Balanced Scorecard to four dimensions of the evaluation index for more complete integration with business strategy to achieve performance management objectives. Future research, it is recommended to carry out different attributes related to assessment of call center, with more data to establish the call center case management, I believe the customer service department to allow enterprises to create better customer service, value and profit success.


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