  • 學位論文


Using Chemical Oxidation Methods to Degrade Chlorophenols in Groundwater

指導教授 : 劉敏信


氯酚化合物為一種以人工合成之化學物質,是利用其他化合物製備的化學物,並不存在於自然環境中,在自然環境中為一種難分解有機化合物,其中以五氯酚為一低溶解度的有機污染物,一旦污染環境吸附於土壤,更進一步影響到地下水水源,造成土壤及地下水污染。現地化學氧化法是將化學藥劑注入污染區來促進氧化程序進行降解試驗。 過硫酸鹽與Fenton試劑皆屬以自由基為反應機制的氧化劑,雖然硫酸根自由基與氫氧根自由基具有相近之氧化還原電位或氧化力,但硫酸根自由基之來源過硫酸鹽相較氫氧根自由基之來源過氧化氫穩定,因此過硫酸鹽於地表下之應用可呈現較大範圍的影響半徑且具持久性,因而現地整治工法中採用過硫酸鹽為氧化劑逐漸受到重視。 本研究乃選用未受污染之地下水添加2,4,6-三氯酚、五氯酚及其鈉鹽,配置未飽和之2,4,6-三氯酚水樣及過飽和之五氯酚水樣與未飽和之五氯酚鈉水樣,對地下水pH值、氧化還原電位及TOC值等進行特性分析,此地下水pH值乃屬中性水樣,導電度及氧化還原電位性質則與其他一般地下水性質相似。本研究進行化學氧化法分別以Fenton氧化法與過硫酸鹽氧化法作為實驗分析。在Fenton試驗中針對2,4,6-三氯酚之水樣,實驗所使用之催化劑為過氧化氫與硫酸亞鐵反應,其過氧化氫濃度206 mM與硫酸亞鐵濃度14.4 mM 為其操作條件,pH值為4以下皆有良好之污染物降解效果。在過硫酸鹽氧化試驗中針對五氯酚及其鹽類之水樣,實驗所使用之催化劑為過硫酸鈉與硫酸亞鐵反應,其過硫酸鈉濃度16.8 mM與硫酸亞鐵濃度14.4 mM之莫耳體積濃度分別進行降解及隨時間持續性試驗,實驗結果顯示上述濃度下,地下水、過硫酸鈉與硫酸亞鐵的體積比為20:1.1:1.1時,五氯酚降解效率即可達94%以上;在持續性實驗結果顯示随著五氯酚濃度提高,藥劑效果可随著時間增加,具持續性的對污染物進行降解反應。而且實驗數據顯示,硫酸亞鐵添加量多寡會影響過硫酸鈉催化效應,進而影響五氯酚降解效果,但加入過量的硫酸亞鐵反而並不能有效的降解五氯酚,而且容易造成環境上二次污染。


Chlorophenols compound, which does not exist in natural environment, is 100% an artificial and synthetic chemical prepared from variable chemicals. Chlorophenols compound has been recognized one of the most recalcitrant chemicals. Among them, pentachlorophenol, as an organic contaminants with low solubility found in the soil or groundwater, to achieve degradation, the method of those like in-situ chemical oxidation has been widely undertaken. Persulfate and Fenton reagents are the oxidation regents which both rely on free radical in chemical oxidation process. Although both reagents possess similar oxidation capability, persulfate reagent is relatively stable and capable of creating larger influence radius and also persistence while applying in given remediation process. Therefore, persulfate has been widely used in in-situ chemical oxidation method nowadays. This study aims at dosing 2,4,6-trichlorophenol, pentachlorophenol and its sodium salts, to uncontaminated groundwater. Unsaturated 2,4,6-trichlorophenol groundwater, over-saturated groundwater of pentachlorophenol, and unsaturated groundwater of sodium pentachlorophenol were prepared, and groundwater pH value, redox potential and total organic carbon values, etc. were measured in each groundwater sample. For study of chemical oxidation, experiments were introduced for methods of Fenton oxidation and persulfate oxidation. In the Fenton test, for 2,4,6-trichlorophenol in groundwater samples, the best degradation of pollutants was obtained with the condition of 14.4 mM hydrogen peroxide and 206 mM ferrous sulfate as catalysts and with pH value 4. In the persulfate oxidation test, for pentachlorophenol and its salts in groundwater samples, the dosage used are 16.8 mM sodium sulfate and 14.4 mM ferrous sulfate. With above condition, the removal efficiency of pentachlorophenol was found can be up to 94% under the volume ratio of groundwater, Sodium sulfate and ferrus sulfate of 20: 1.1: 1.1. The persulfate oxidation was also found its effect of degradation, very likely from the effect of the remaining persulfate, can be prolonged while higher concentration of pentachlorophenol was continually introduced into the groundwater samples. And data from the results of experiments shows that the dosage of ferrous sulfate can effectively give impact of the catalytic reaction by sodium sulfate, and then dominates the degradation of pentachlorophenol. However, over dosing the ferrous sulfate, on the contrary, can not effectively degrade the pentachlorophenol, but very likely caused more pollution onto our fragile nature.


梁振儒,「淺談土壤及地下水污染現地過硫酸鹽化學氧化整治法」,台灣土壤及地下水環境保護協會簡訊,pp. 13-20 (2007)。


