  • 學位論文


Micro-businesses Entrepreneurship of Apparel Retail-service Industry - A Case Study of Yizhong Commercial District of Taichung.

指導教授 : 孫德修


隨著創業風潮的崛起,「創業」一詞在台灣民眾心中被認為是離開受薪階級或是裁員壓力的唯一道路。而台灣大部分民眾在初次創業時就如同開發中國家中弱勢階級的謀生活動一樣,於是選擇進入零售業,其中以服飾業為進入門檻最低之行業。 「一中商圈」是全台最賺錢的年輕族群商圈,年輕族群商圈往往是新世代心目中,流行資訊聚集、價格便宜的購物天堂,其中以服飾零售業的競爭最為激烈。因此本研究目的在於找出服飾零售業在商圈微型創業過程時所遭遇之問題與困難,並提出因應之對策以及可行之經營策略,並以一中街商圈作為本研究之對象。本研究利用半結構式與深度訪談法對五位在一中街商圈創業超過兩年且已成功設立第二間分店之微型創業者進行訪問,並利用紮根理論將受訪者之資訊整理歸納出店面選擇與取得、顧客關係、商業競爭、人力資源管理與商品開發及銷售等問題;再利用SWOT矩陣分析對一中街商圈內服飾零售業進行內外部環境分析,進而提出五項重要發現,分別為:詢問週邊商家之員工或老闆以得知真實店面情況、讓員工有能力解決問題、商品不可仰賴流行度而提高庫存量、顧客關係可創造長久的收入來源、善用中國式管理哲學來面對商圈中的商業競爭,以期讓有意創業者提高創業成功之機會。


Within the rise of trend of entrepreneurial, “entrepreneur behave" is considered the only way to leave the lay off risk or salaried pressure in Taiwan. Most of Taiwanese step into the Retail Industries of Apparel at the very first times’ entrepreneur behave, because which is the lowest threshold of industry to entry. " Yi-zhong St. Commercial District of Taichung " is the most profitable business district for young people in Taiwan. This kind of business district offer the pop information, and cheap shopping. The most competitive retail industry is apparel. The purpose of this study is identify the retail business of apparel’s problems and difficulties during the process of micro-business’ entrepreneur behave in the Commercial district and how response to the feasibility by the business strategy, and use Yi-zhong St. Commercial District of Taichung as the model of territory of research. In this study, I use the semi-structured and depth interview to collect the datas which interviewed to five micro -entrepreneurs in the Yi-zhong St. Commercial District of Taichung. Who also have more than two years experience and established the second branch successfully. After interview, I use grounded theory to summary the information which respondents by them and get the Questions and informations as below: The store selection and acquisition, customer relations, business competition, human resource management and product development and marketing issues; also use the SWOT matrix analysis to the apparel retail business district in the street to conduct internal and external environmental analysis, and to make such as: ask around the employee of business or the store owner to know the real situation about the store, and give employees the ability to solve the problems, follow the fashion but do not rely on the popularity and increased inventory, customer relationships can create long-term source of income, use of Chinese-style management philosophy to face the business district in the commercial competition. As the result, hope this research can help micro- entrepreneurs to have the chance to be success. Yi-zhong St. Commercial District have many same type of products. However, visitors will have the feeling of can not be guaranteed, when they purchas the goods. That’s why store or stall is considered the first element of entrepreneurship. The good relationship with customers is the establishment of the store from their sense of identity of goods sold, and to provide needed services, such as modeling with other services and become regular customers. As a usual commercial competition business in the district is price and the sources control. There are small shops employing regular workers, most of the time workers are more. It is difficult to guide staffs the right frame of mind for the retail and service industries, because, most of stuffs are part time workers which is hard to maintain the relationships with customers. At the last, when purchasing over-reliance on the media and the magazine''s introduction, which will cause too fashion for consumers that can not accept the goods.


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