  • 學位論文


The Parents’ Preparation For Their Children Graduated From Special Education Senior High School

指導教授 : 陳麗欣


目前智能障礙學生受惠於教育部推行之十二年就學安置計畫,得以增加受教機會至高中職階段。高職教育是許多中、重度智能障礙者的最高學歷,一旦從特殊教育學校高職部畢業,即沒有特定機構或學校可以安置這些智能障礙者,於是智能障礙者家庭在其子女面臨高職畢業時,即須為其子女安排離校後之計畫,如何有效協助身心障礙高職畢業生順利地做好離校準備,乃成為家長們所面臨的重大挑戰。 本研究的主要目的在了解目前特殊教育學校對於智能障礙高職畢業生實際轉銜服務執行狀況,與學校社會工作師在轉銜所扮演之角色,並就高職畢業生家長對其子女之離校準備情形(包括轉銜準備與離校後照顧計畫)及其影響因素進行探索,最後針對研究發現對政府、學校、家長提出建議。 為完成上述研究目的,本研究同時採用值化與量化的研究法:一則針對學校部分以質性研究訪談4位實習輔導處工作人員與5位學校社工師;再則透過量化研究,以特殊教育學校97學年度智能障礙高職應屆畢業生家長為主進行問卷調查,共計回收215份問卷,而研究結果發現如下: 一、特教學校的離校轉銜負責處室以實習輔導處為主,主要協助就業轉銜的部分,而辦理機構參觀與轉銜座談會是高職階段最重要的轉銜活動。至於就養轉銜與在家照顧的協助,多由專業團隊中的社工師負責,若學校沒有社工師則歸屬實習輔導處的工作內容;在與家長溝通畢業生離校安排的部分,主要還是由導師進行與家長的聯繫。 二、社工師在轉銜任務上的角色在於協助就養與在家照顧,同時也提供社會福利資訊給導師或家長。但因社工師在學校所屬處室的不同,其工作內容也不盡相同,也有社工師需要負責就業轉銜。 三、在離校準備中,分為轉銜準備與離校後照顧計畫二部分: (一)轉銜準備量部分,家長的轉銜準備程度由高至低依序為社交與人際關係、自主生活能力、職業教育與訓練、休閒娛樂、醫療服務及資源使用,顯示家長在社交與人際關係及自主生活能力的準備度最佳,而在資源使用上的準備度最低。 (二)離校後照顧計畫上,立即性安排以選擇在家照顧者最多,而畢業生畢業後的居住方式,還是以與父母同住,主要照顧者亦以父母親照顧為主;在長期照顧計畫中,一旦家長無法照顧孩子時,家長希望照顧責任的承接者中,以教養機構最多,手足次之;至於畢業生未來生活安排上,有財務規劃有57.2%(以選擇郵局或銀行定存者最多),沒任何財務規劃的有42.8%,而沒有規劃的原因以無多餘財力最多。 四、本研究發現畢業生的年齡、障礙程度、生活自理狀況;家長的教育程度、婚姻狀況、學校活動參與狀況;以及服務介入之使用情形是影響響家長離校準備之重要因素。 最後,本研究並針對研究結果分別對於政府、學校及家長提出3項、4項(包括實習輔導室、導師及社工師)及3項建議;在檢討本研究之限制後,也對後續研究提供若干建議,以供為來研究者之參考,此外,研究者亦期待政府、特殊教育學校、社會福利團體、學生家長能持續對智能障礙者的關心。


Owing to the 12-Year Educational Placement Program established by the Ministry of Education, the highest level educational mechanism designed especially for the intellectual disabled persons has been promoted to the stage of vocational senior high special education. It means that the families with moderate severe intellectual disabled children in face of graduating from vocational senior high school have to make after-graduation plan. And, how to make good preparation for after-graduation plan becomes a significant challenge encountered by the graduating students’ parents. The researcher realized the importance of after-graduation plan, but few research in this area, therefore, questionnaire survey(215 the parents of the intellectually-disabled vocational senior high school graduating students in special education schools in 2009) and the qualitative interviews (4 school guidance teachers and 5 school social workers) were undertaken for the purposes: 1.To explore the present situation of actual transition operation in senior high vocational special education school as well as the roles of school social worker playing in this area; 2.To explore the situations of these parents’ preparation for after-graduation (including transition preparation and care plans);3.To explore the factors which influence parents’ preparation for after-graduation; and 4.To propose the suggestions to the education system, school, and social work. As to the findings, they could be summarized as below: 1. Practice Arrangement Office was the office mainly responsible for after-graduation transition. The tasks of after-graduation transition included employment transition and care-giving transition (including home care), the former was in charged by practice arrangement office, and the latter was assisted by social workers in professional teams. In case a school had no social workers, the latter tasks would be attributed to Practice Arrangement Office. As to the mentors, they were responsible for communicating and contacting with students’ parents. In the stage of vocational high school, visiting institution and holding seminars on transition were the most important activities of Practice Arrangement Office. 2. The responsibilities of social worker in transition included providing assistance in care-giving and home care, social welfare information to mentors or students’ parents. However, the job contents of social workers were not necessarily the same since they might belong to different offices in schools. A few social workers were also responsible for employment transition. 3. In this research, the preparation for after-graduation was divided into transition preparation and care plan after graduation: (1)In the transition preparation, the readiness from high to low in sequence was: social and interpersonal relationship, ability to lead an independent life, vocational education and trainings, leisure and recreation, medical service, and resource application. This sequence showed that students’ parents had the best preparation for their children in social and interpersonal relationship, as well as ability to lead an independent life, but the least preparation in resource application. (2)In terms of care plan after graduation, the results are: a. As for the instant care plan, the most graduates would be taken care at home, and would be living with their parents who would serve as the main caregivers; b. As for long-term care plans, if these parents became incapable of taking care of their children, care-giving institutions would be their top desirable choice of serving as the successors to take on such care-giving responsibilities, while the children’s siblings were their second choice. c. As for graduates’ future life, 57.2% of them had financial planning, who chose fixed deposits in post offices or banks mostly; 42.8% of them had no financial plans, because most of them had no excessive money to make such plans. 4. The factors which influenced the parents’ care plan after graduation, are: age, intellectual disabled seriousness, and ability to lead an independent life of graduate children; education, marriage, and school activity participation of parents; and utilization of service which school provided. Finally, the researcher proposed 3, 8, and 3 suggestions to the government, school (including practice arrangement office, mentor, and social worker) and parent, respectively. In addition, the researcher presented some research limitations proposed the suggestions for subsequent studies. Also, the researcher anticipated that government, special education schools, social welfare groups, and students’ parents would continue to care about the persons with intellectual disability.




