  • 學位論文


A Study of Leisure participation motivation requirement and Satisfication for the Seniors –Case of Chang-Hua county University of Older Adult

指導教授 : 陳宗玄


在全球已開發國家邁向人口高齡化的同時,台灣也是面臨此一趨勢,高齡銀髮族已成為人口結構中比例較高之族群,因此,有關老人休閒活動應是一值得探討的議題。 本研究以彰化縣老人大學學員為研究對象,進行休閒活動需求與滿意度問卷調查。在回收的297份有效問卷中分析發現:彰化縣老人大學學員女性居多,年齡在71歲以上者最多,專科畢業的人數最多,已婚的老人最多,工作經驗16年以上者佔多數,每月經濟收入4-6萬元者最多。 以單因子變異數分析(One-Way ANOVA)、獨立樣本T檢定及相關分析來探討不同社經背景之彰化縣老人大學學員對休閒活動需求與休閒活動滿意度之差異,社經背景變項包括性別、年齡、教育程度、婚姻狀況、子女狀況、經濟收入與工作經驗等七項。分析結果發現:彰化縣老人大學之學員分別在「性別」、「年齡」、「教育程度」、「婚姻狀況」、「工作經驗」及「經濟收入」等變項上,對於休閒活動需求及休閒活動滿意度具有顯著差異存在,而銀髮族休閒活動需求與休閒滿意度呈現顯著相關。 建議,政府相關單位爾後在規劃辦理老人休閒活動方面,可朝多元化發展,定期舉辦大、小型休閒活動,如九九重陽節敬老活動、社區發展之相關集會、園遊會等,讓銀髮族生活可以更加廣闊。


As the developed countries around the world face an ever aging population, Taiwan is also seeing the same trend, where the elderly account for a relatively high proportion in the demographic structure. Therefore, senior citizens’ leisure activities should become an issue worth careful exploration. This research interviewed the students of the University for Senior Citizens (USC) of Changhua County as to their needs for leisure activities and degree of leisure satisfaction. Analysis of 297 effective questionnaires has found that most of the university’s students are female, married, junior-college graduated, and more than 71 years of age, with a monthly income of NT$40,000~60,000 and a work experience of over 16 years. The analytical methods used in this research to explore the differences in needs for leisure activities and degree of satisfaction of the USC students who come from various societal and economic backgrounds include one-way ANOVA, independent samples t-test, and related analytical methodology. The variables of societal and economic backgrounds consist of the seven items of gender, age, education, marital status, offspring status, income, and work experience. According to the results of analysis, for the variables of gender, age, education, marital status, income and work experience, the USC students show considerable discrepancies in the needs for leisure activities and degree of leisure satisfaction, In addition, an evident correlation exists between senior citizens’ needs for leisure activities and degree of leisure satisfaction. Suggestions: The government should diversify their activities for senior citizens in the future and regularly hold large and small-sized leisure activities, such as the “pay-tribute-to-the-elderly” events organized for Double 9th Festival, fairs and carnivals, gatherings related to community development, etc., in order to enrich the life of senior citizens.


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