  • 學位論文


Apply CFD to Analyze Airflow Efficiency in Negative-Pressure Ward

指導教授 : 包匡


摘要 近幾年來,結核病、SARS、禽流感等所導致之呼吸性傳染是醫院及公共衛生學在感染控制上的研究重點。疾病管制局對呼吸性傳染病例的防治,提出加強管制政策。醫院設置負壓隔離病房,集中照護此類傳染之病人,以保障其它病患和醫護人員的安全性。本研究針對負壓隔離病房之室內環境考量,以換氣效率、氣流、風壓等方面為因子,以計算流體力學(Computational Fluid Dynamics,CFD)分析,進行流場的數值模擬出動態的氣流、負壓的特性。進行模擬分析進氣及排氣風速及裝置位置對氣流場變化。 以其動態氣流,從中了解氣流軌跡,比較出負壓隔離病房空間流場效率較佳,對於負壓隔離病房是較為恰當的。防止交叉感染,有效地提高負壓隔離病房換氣效能。研究成果包括模擬氣流情形,可以瞭解進風口與排風口處氣流較強。由氣流模擬分布狀況,明確室內渦流分佈情形。CFD 模擬,比較出為負壓隔離病房空間流場效率較佳。本研究提出之負壓隔離病房氣流比較操作過程,可提供設計者模擬室內流場以進行通風設計及負壓隔離病房之設計,有效的提升病房空間內氣流及醫護人員安全。


In recent years, tuberculosis, and SARS,…etc lead to infectious diseases are very important issues on infection control of hospital and public hygiene fields. Disease control center drew up the disease control policy to strengthen the prevention and treatments. Hospitals are arranged negative-pressure isolation wards to centralize the care of these infectious patients in order to protect other patients and medical staffs. This research considered negative- pressure isolation wards’ interior conditions such as air changing rate, air flow and air pressure as main factors. Using computational fluid dynamics software as tool to simulate flow field to show the dynamic air flow pattern and negative-pressure characters. The incoming air and extracting air flow variations are caused by different locations of inlet opening and outlet opening. To understand the path of these flow conditions and to compare the air flow field efficiency of different arrangement, we can understand which air flow pattern is better for the ward in order to prevent cross infections. The results of the study mainly include the airflow distribution in the wards. To understand the inlet and outlet airflow, we can compare the efficiency of each airflow field to select which one is better and appropriate. The process of airflow simulation and comparison, the research offers contribution for ind oor ventilation design and reference for arranging negative-pressure isolation ward. Thus this will help to improve the safety of people in hospital.


《建築學報(技術專刊) 》,中華民國建築學會,台北,pp.99~116,。
究",《建築學報第65 期》,,中華民國建築學會,台北。
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