  • 學位論文


A Study on Bank Teller’s Willingness for Marketing Mortgage Life Insurance

指導教授 : 陳建勝


摘要 銀行業近幾年面對長期的低利率環境,及國內房屋價格飆漲,貸款金額提高,銀行債權與借款人的風險也增加,所以,對於以傳統放款業務經營為主的金融機構而言,業務與績效的拓展更顯艱辛。Kotler, Long&Tan, (1999) 提出開發新客戶的花費成本是留住客戶所需成本五倍,由此可見,尋找新客戶對公司而言是一件相對困難的事,故經營首要之急是增加顧客滿意度或保留現有客戶。 房貸壽險商品雖在台灣之普及度尚有進步空間,但並非創新之壽險商品,在本質上,其與傳統壽險商品並無差異,都是為了移轉因被保險人身故造成之經濟困難之風險;惟房貸壽險是先透過已經與銀行有房屋貸款往來的客戶,搭配一張與房貸額度相等的定期壽險產品,銀行可以與原本信用往來良好的老客戶,運用此產品特性,再次行銷,不僅可以降低開發新客戶的風險成本,提供好的商品服務留住老客戶,藉以提升績效與降低放款風險,對銀行傳統放款業務而言是一種新型態的行銷選擇。面對競爭日益白熱化的銀行業要顧慮營運成本,降低放款風險,創造盈餘,是非常重要的課題,而房貸壽險的推廣與績效的產生就需要透過銀行行員的銷售,因為他們經常會直接面對客戶,對客戶的行銷會造成一定程度的影響,因此,銷售人員的銷售動機與意願也會影響客戶的購買意願。由於保險商品所提供的服務是無形的,無法透過試用品讓消費者可以感受到商品品質,所以消費者通常是透過銀行行員或保險業務員詳細解說,以了解保險契約或個人權益來決定是否購買,故銀行行員對銷售房貸壽險的動機與意願,會影響消費者的購買行為決策,對銀行業務的績效成長會有直接的影響 。 本研究針對兩家銀行行員發放問卷250份,回收有效問卷合計200份,在經過t檢定、單因子變異數分析、相關分析後,結果發現如下: 一、兩家不同銀行行員房貸壽險行銷的動機因素對行銷意願有顯著影響。 二、不同人口統計變數對行銷房貸壽險意願有顯著影響。 三、行銷意願對房貸壽險銷售績效有顯著影響。


房貸壽險 行銷意願


Abstract The banking industry in Taiwan has faced low-interest-rate lending environment in recent years. Furthermore, the soaring of domestic housing prices leads to the increase of the loan amount, hence the risk exposures of the banks’ borrowers and creditors. It is even harder for those institutions whose business focuses mainly on traditional lending, since the spread is shrinking. Kotler, Long&Tan, (1999) propose that the costs of getting new customers are five times to retaining old ones. It is more cost efficient for banks to increase current customers’ satisfaction and expand the scope of business with them. Although the market share of mortgage life insurance (MLI) policies in Taiwan has room for improvement, there’s nothing novelty in the product. In essence, MLI policies are designed to pay out upon the death of the insured like traditional term life. People carrying a mortgage on their home need MLI. And banks can explore the possibility of expanding the scope of business with their current mortgage carriers, without incurring the high costs of acquiring new customers. When customers purchase a policy for MLI, the policy will pay off the mortgage on their home if he/she should die. It protects the homeowner’s family from economic distress. Banks also feel more secure about loaning money to a homeowner with MLI since this type of policy basically pays off the balance owed on the mortgage to the banks. It’s a win-win situation. Bank tellers play an essential role in the marketing of MLI because they are the ones who have direct contact with customers. Due to the intangibility of insurance products, the salesperson is very important in the process of marketing the MLI policies. This study believes that the motivations and marketing behavior of bank tellers can influence the customers’ decision, hence the outcome of the banks’ MLI sales. The object of this study is the bank tellers from two banks in their central Taiwan branches. Analysis is based 200 valid samples, which are obtained from questionnaire investigation. After conducting the T-test, ANOVA and correlation analysis, the findings are as follows: 1. The factors affecting bank tellers’ marketing motivations for MLI are significantly different in two banks. 2. Demographic variables significantly affect bank tellers’ marketing motivations for MLI. 3. Bank tellers’ marketing motivations for MLI significantly affect their performance.


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