  • 學位論文


Design and Implementation of a 4-Leg Biomimetic Robot

指導教授 : 廖梨君


本論文結合控制電路與蘇格蘭軛(Scotch yoke)機構,設計一仿蟑螂步態之簡易型四足仿生機器人。本仿生機器人以51微處理器產生高態脈波來控制馬達,可以高速穩定行走於崎嶇坡段地形,其速度最快可達2.8m/s,最慢可達1.1m/s。透過無線傳輸控制,此仿生機器人具16種切換角度及8段變速,可即時變換行走方向及速度;同時,亦能以機身最小範圍原地左右轉,達到高靈活度之行走。其硬體架構包含5顆馬達、無線傳輸模組及馬達驅動控制電路。除此之外,使用者可透過電腦之操作介面發送控制命令,遠端遙控此四足仿生機器人之行動,並將之應用於各種探索情境。


This thesis proposed the design and implementation of a 4-leg biomimetic robot. The Scotch yoke mechanism is used to drive the motion of the robot’s legs to imitate cockroach gait. This robot contains 5 motors, microcontroller, wireless communication module, electronic speed control device and battery. There are 4 servo-motors to control the robot’s moving direction and one brushless motor connecting with Scotch yoke to push-pull the steel wires of legs. Users can wirelessly transmit the demands from the computer to remotely control the robot in time. The experimental results show that this robot can walk on rugged and tilted terrain with the fast and lowest speed of 2.8 m/s and 1.1 m/s, respectively. The robot also possesses variable speed of 8 levels and 16 rolling angles for each motor.


microcontroller Biomimetic robot Scotch yoke motors


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