  • 學位論文


The Impact of Economic Crisis on Children’s Habitus-Analysis of Family Social Capital

指導教授 : 宋明君


本研究旨在探討於當前金融危機的環境下,不同的家庭對幼兒學習或生活之影響。研究目的包括探討:在金融危機衝擊下家庭與幼兒生活習性間所受之影響;及在金融危機衝擊下家庭內社會資本所受之影響。為了達成上述目的,本研究以半結構訪談法(semi-structured interview)進行研究,主要以訪談方式去了解雙親的生活情況以及他們的在金融危機時家中所面臨遭遇與策略,資料收集主要藉由訪談的方式進而了解家中的情況,及訪談中觀察親子間互動之情形。訪談對象主要以五個不同社經背景之家庭為個案,進而深入了解彼此間之差異。 在研究結論方面,包括四大部分: 一、為不同家庭在金融危機下,工作生活的差異變化 1、家事分擔上,中下社經家長無力在家事分擔上,中上社經家長則反之。 2、親子互動上,中上社經家長擁有較多時間與孩子互動,中下社經家長反之。 二、為不同家庭在金融危機下,生活休閒的差異變化 1、消費習慣上,中上社經家長認為質重於量;則中下社經家長反之。 2、持有資源上,中上社經家長有優渥外在資源可使用,中下社經家長反之。 三、為不同家庭在金融危機下,教育理念的差異變化 1、教育投資方面,中上社經家長願意大量投入教育所需,中下社經家長反之。 2、理財價值觀,中上社經家長與中下社經家長,皆利用金融危機為轉機處理的教育來教導孩子擁有儲蓄之觀念。 四、為不同家庭在金融危機下,家庭內社會網絡的改變 1、親友往來上,中上社經家長常常與他人互動習得之所需,中下社經家長反之。 2、家庭結構上,中下社經家庭因長期變更使家人較無安全感,中上社經家庭則反之。


This study aims on the impact of children’s learning or living in various families in the current economic crisis environment. The aims of this research include the impact on a family and its children’s living habitus under the economic crisis,and the impact on the social capital within a family under the economic crisis. In order to achieve the above objects, this study uses the skill of semi-structured interview to conduct the research, and understand parents’ lives as well as their misfortune and strategy at home while facing the economic crisis. Data collection is completed through the interviews, by which, to understand the situation at home and observe the parent-child interaction. Interviewees are mainly from five different families that have distinct social-economic background, and this allows the interviewer to understand the diversity among them deeply. The conclusion consists of four marjor parts: 1.Different families in economic crisis, their variation in work life: (1)Share of housework: the middle-lower social-economic parents are unable to share housework , while the middle-upper social-economic parents are the opposite. (2)Parent-child interaction: the middle-upper social-economic parents have more time to interact with their children, while the middle-lower social-economic parents are the opposite. 2.Different families in economic crisis,their variation in leisure life: (1)Consumption habits: the middle-upper social-economic parents think quality over quantity,while the middle-lower social-economic parents are the opposite. (2)Resources held: the middle-upper social-economic parents have generous external resources,while the middle-lower social-economic parents are the opposite. 3.Different families in economic crisis, their variation in education concept: (1) Investment in education:the middle-upper social-economic parents are willing to invest a lot of education needs, while the middle-lower social-economic parents are the opposite. (2) Values of financial management: both the middle-upper and middle-lower social-economic parents utilize this economic crisis as a opportunity to teach their children to have the concept of savings. 4.The changes of social network within these different families in economic crisis: (1) Between relatives and friends: the middle-upper social-economic parents often need to interact with others to learn the necessary, while the middle-lower social-economic parents are the opposite. (2) Family structure: due to long-term changes, the middle-lower social-economic family is likely to make a sense of insecurity to their family members, while the middle-upper family is on the opposite.


