  • 學位論文


A Study of the Attitude and Intention of Consumers towards Using the Insurance E-Commerce Platform

指導教授 : 陳美夙


台灣2014年8月金管會訂定「保險業辦理網路投保業務應注意事項」,並放寬網路投保業務,增加網路保險發展的新契機,初期開放平台以產、壽險公司為主開放網路投保,今年(2015)10月試行銀行保經代與一般保經代經營保險電子商務平台,對主管機關逐步的開放保險電子商務平台引發本研究的動機。本研究採用Leo(2004)擴充式科技接受模型(Augmented technology acceptance model),以認知有用性、認知易用性、相容性、隱私、安全為基本構面,加入涉入程度進行模型驗證,探討保險電子商務使用態度及意圖的影響因素,因此,本研究的主要目的在探討消費者特性對保險公司網站、銀行保經代與一般保經代電子商務平台的偏好,並進一步分析消費者特性對保險電子商務的使用態度及使用意圖的影響,最後,驗證擴充式科技接受模型。 本研究調查期間為2015年8月,採網路問卷調查,研究對象為台灣網路使用者,有效問卷949份。本研究發現:(1)多數消費者偏好使用保險公司網站從事保險電子商務活動;(2)消費者特性影響消費者對保險電子商務平台的偏好;(3)具網路銀行交易經驗與具網路投保經驗之消費者對保險電子商務的使用態度與意圖呈現顯著正相關;(4)本研究以Leo(2004)擴充式科技接受模型研究保險電子商務,其所有假說皆成立;(5)擴充式科技接受模型在不同的保險電子商務平台偏好下並無顯著性的差異。


In August 2014, the Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) of Taiwan’s government has set up the “Guidelines for Insurance Enterprises to Engage in Business regarding Buying Insurance Online” and relaxed the restrictions on the online insurance business to open new opportunities for the development of online insurance. In the initial phase, the platform of online insurance is open to life and none-life insurance companies. In October 2015, the insurance e-commerce platform has been open to bancassurance and general brokers. The authorities’ strategy of opening the insurance e-commerce platform step by step has triggered the researcher’s motivation in conducting this study. In this study, the augmented technology acceptance model by Leo(2004) was used to construct the model with basic dimensions of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, compatibility, privacy and security, and the degree of involvement was added to perform the model verification in order to explore consumer’s using attitude and intention of the insurance e-commerce platforms. Therefore, the purpose of the paper explores the consumer’s preference of the insurance e-commerce platforms including insurance, bancassurance and general brokers. Further, the influence factors of their attitude and intention towards using insurance e-commerce platforms were also analyzed. Finally, we proved the augmented technology acceptance model. By adopting the online questionnaire method and choosing Taiwan’s Internet users as the research subjects, the survey was conducted in August 2015 and a total of 949 copies of valid questionnaires were collected. The research results found that, first, most of consumers prefer of the insurance e-commerce platforms. Second, the characters of consumer affect the preferences of the insurance e-commerce platforms. Third, the consumer of having online banking transaction and having online insurance purchase all preferred to use the insurance company’s e-commerce platform to purchase online insurance. They are positively significant related with consumer’s using attitude and intention. Fourth, all the hypotheses for the augmented technology acceptance model were proved. Finally, most of variables in augmented technology acceptance model, there were no significant differences in preference of insurance e-commerce platforms.


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