  • 學位論文


A Study of Exploring Application of Digital Music in a Symphony Orchestra Management-A Case Study of National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra

指導教授 : 林芳昌


隨著資訊科技的迅速發展,數位音樂對於全世界的藝文團體來說已逐漸成為最重要的一個經營媒材,經營團隊面臨必須思考如何結合藝術專業與資訊科技行銷經營的必要性作法。本研究以臺灣歷史最悠久的國立臺灣交響樂團為例,探討交響樂團運用數位音樂於網站行銷宣傳及整體經營之概況與經驗。以個案研究法、次級資料法及深度訪談法等方式瞭解交響樂團利用數位音樂現況及實際執行時所遇到的困難問題與經驗作法,並觀察國內同為職業交響樂團性質的臺北市立交響樂團及國家交響樂團,及國外最具指標性的柏林愛樂交響樂團數位音樂廳(Digital Concert Hall)對於數位音樂及線上平台的運用概況進行分析比較。參考成功案例並綜合歸納提出交響樂團運用數位音樂實施的三項準則完備著作權授權程序、善用線上數位平台及建置專屬數位音樂資料庫,此三項實施準則也可謂為數位音樂運用在交響樂團網站及行銷宣傳等整體經營的必要性作法,以提供交響樂團未來永續經營發展規劃之參考。


As information technology rapid development, digital music for business management has become the most important issue within arts association around the world. The management team must consider how to combine the arts and information technology for the marketing business management and the necessary methods. In this study, it explores the overview and experience of digital music application in the symphony orchestra’s website promoting and overall business management as a case of National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra. It tries to find out the solution with a case study, a secondary qualitative study and an interview with experts. It observes and compares the overview situation of the digital music application and online platform for Taipei National Symphony, National symphony orchestra and Berlin Philharmonie Digital Concert Hall. The result of this study proposes three implementation guidelines of digital music application in the symphony orchestra, being completed the procedure of copyright authorization, more using the online streaming platforms, and establishing exclusive digital music database. The three implementation guidelines also are as the necessary methods of digital music application in the symphony orchestra’s website promoting and overall business management. It offers a reference for the future operations management and development to the symphony orchestra.


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