  • 學位論文


A study of the effects of construction labor's mental workload under different musculoskeletal workload

指導教授 : 蕭文達 鄭道明


工業革命過後科技日益進步,機器機械化與自動化逐漸減少人力的付出,但在營建產業之中,因自動化機具能協助的範圍有限,有許多作業仍需仰賴人力的完成,所以營建業在生產力的部分勞工人力扮演了很重要的角色。又因營造工地的作業環境比起一般製造業環境更為複雜,通常根據工程進度,工作環境與項目也會跟著改變,所以營建業勞工在工作的時候需要非常大的專注力。倘若在其施做工作項目時因心理壓力過大,進而導致營建業勞工分心無法專注於眼前的工作,或是導致失於常態發揮不出原本的水準,營建業勞工將曝露於危險之中。 本研究採取試驗室室內實驗方式,先徵求自願受測者施做一系列完整系統模板組立前置實驗後,再徵集6位男性受測者與6位女性受測者,總共12位受測者參與主要實驗;根據OWAS工作姿勢評估系統以前置實驗組立過程許多姿勢為基礎,依照骨骼肌肉負荷大小程度,制定出四種AC行動等級,共分為AC1~4四大類;全程搭配紅外線測溫熱像儀拍攝受測者臉部鼻頭溫度變化情形,並於每一項任務結束之後,請受測者填寫NASA-TLX問卷自我心理負荷評量表。 研究結果顯示,利用紅外線測溫熱像儀量測受測者臉部鼻頭溫度分析後發現OWAS的AC3行動等級任務對於AC1、AC2與AC4行動等級是可以明顯被區分出來且有顯著性差異存在,在執行AC3行動等級任務其心理負荷為最大,針對AC3行動等級的作業姿勢特性加以探討,應可有效應用於改善營建業勞工姿勢之評估。


With the technological advances after the industrial revolution, mechanization and automation have gradually reduced physical effort. However, in construction industry, due to the limited extent of the assistance of automated machinery, many works still need to be done by human, and human labor plays an important role in construction industry. In addition, the environment of construction site is more complicated than that of general manufacturing. The working environment and works change along with the work schedule. Construction labors need to pay great concentration in work. If they bear so much mental workload in work that they cannot focus on their immediate job or cannot reach the quality of work they should do, they will be exposed to risks. By laboratory experiment, this study first established pre-tests by a series of complete and systematic modules conducted by volunteer subjects. Then 12 subjects including 6 males and 6 females were recruited to take part in the experiment; four Action Categories, i.e. AC1 to AC4, were developed on the basis of Ovako Working Posture Analyzing System (OWAS) and musculoskeletal workload; infrared temperature thermal imager (thermography) was used to record the changes of the temperature of the face and nose tip of the testees; and finally the testees each were asked to fill out a NASA-TLX questionnaire on self-assessment of mental workload. The results and the analysis of the temperatures of the nose tip of the testees as recorded by infrared temperature thermal imager (thermography) showed that OWAS's AC3 tasks could be obviously distinguished from AC1, AC2 and AC4's, and the difference is significant. When AC3 tasks were conducted, testees' mental workload is the heaviest. A probing into the features of AC3 actions should be able to have an effective application to improving the assessment of the postures of construction labors.




