  • 學位論文

美學勞務與正面情緒對消費者再購意願之研究 -以臺北市救國團承攬之運動中心為例

A Study of Aesthetic Labour with Positive Emotions on Consumers' Repurchase Intention: A Case of China Youth Corps to Contract for Sport Centers

指導教授 : 徐暐亭


本研究旨在探討運動中心消費者之美學勞務、正面情緒與再購意願之關係,與瞭解不同背景變項之消費者在研究變項的差異。以臺北市救國團承攬之運動中心消費者為研究對象,採便利抽樣進行問卷調查,共計發放400 份,回收有效問卷共 342 份,有效回收率為 86%,其中男性 160 人、女性 182 人。所得資料經統計分析後得以下結果:消費屬性、使用頻率在美學勞務、正面情緒與再購意願上達顯著差異。購買課程、每週使用 2 次(含)以上的消費者對美學勞務的認同度較高;購買課程、每週使用 3 次(含)以上的消費者的正面情緒較高;購買課程、每週使用 3 次(含)以上的消費者具有較高的再購意願。美學勞務之「服務接觸」,「招募徵選」及「實務訓練」能有效預測正面情緒;「服務接觸」與「招募徵選」能有效預測再購意願;正面情緒能有效預測再購意願。正向情緒在美學勞務與再購意願間具有部分中介效果。最後根據結果,提出實務之策略及建議。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the aesthetics labor, positive emotion and repurchase intention of sport center’s consumer, also to understand the difference of background variables in consumer research covariates. The subject of this study is the consumer of sport center which is contract to China Youth Corps. A total of 400 surveys were issued, 342 valid surveys and the effective responded rate was 86%, including 160 males and 182 females. After statistical analysis, the results were illustrated as follows: A significant differences in consumer characteristic, frequency of aesthetic labor, positive emotions and repurchase intention. Purchase course, consumer who use twice a week (or more) had higher acceptance of aesthetic labor; Purchase course, consumer who use 3 times a week (or more) had higher positive emotions; Purchase course, consumer who use 3 times a week (or more) had higher repurchase intention. Aesthetic labor of "service encounters", "recruiting for selection" and "practical training" can predict positive emotions; "service encounter" and "recruiting for selection" can predict repurchase intention; positive emotions can predict repurchase intention. Positive emotion had partially mediated effect between aesthetic labor and repurchase intention. Finally, according to results this study offered practical policies and suggestions.


