  • 學位論文

以隱喻抽取技術探討特定地景與目的地意象之關聯 ~~以龍井區竹坑南寮步道為例~~

Landspace and the Destination Image:Use ZMET to Explore The Case of Jhu Keng Nan Liao Trail

指導教授 : 黃有傑


地景(landscape)不只是一群自然現象的組合,而是人與自然之間錯綜複雜相互作用的呈現。而目的地意象則是遊客心目中對目的地感覺的重要指標。目的地意象如何成為遊客心中之重要指標,因此如何深入了解目的地意象和遊客心中想法之關聯,對於瞭解遊客的旅遊態度與未來行為,有相當程度的影響。   竹坑南寮步道在近年來在地方政府的規劃下,過去運送貨物的功能己不復存在,取而代之的是健走休閒的功能。本研究透過薩爾特曼隱喻誘引技術(Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique,簡稱ZMET),深度訪談6位對於該地有高涉入的遊客,探討特定地景與目的地意象之關聯。研究顯示,人文歷史、休閒遊憩、地方發展、環境美化、自然生態景觀等是遊客心中最重要的五大構念。五大構念間又因受訪者感受的差異而產生不同結果,對於竹坑南寮步道的目的地意象也有不同的認知及想法。 關鍵詞:地景、目的地意象、竹坑南寮步道、薩爾特曼隱喻誘引技術


Landscape is not just a bunch of combinations of natural phenomena, but the complex interaction between mankind and nature exhibits. The image of the destination is an important indicator of the tourists to the destination feeling. How to insight the destination image and the tourists can understanding Tourists' attitudes and future behavior, there is a considerable degree of influence. Jhu Keng Nan Liao Trail n recent years in local government planning, the last delivery of goods function has ceased to exist, replaced by walking and leisure functions. Through this study, Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique, referred ZMET, in-depth interviews 6 for the visitors to have a highly involvement, associated with a particular landscape and explore the destination Image. Studies have shown that human history, recreation, local development, landscaping, natural landscapes and other tourists hearts are the most important five constructs of tourist. Five constructs among respondents feel because of differences produce different results for the destination imagery Jhu Keng Nan Liao Trail also have different cognitive and ideas. Keywords: landscape, destination image, Jhu Keng Nan Liao Trail, Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique


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