  • 學位論文


The Application of Sodium Hypochlorite (NaOCl) and Hypochlorous Acidic Water (HClO) in Medical Care Environment.

指導教授 : 章日行 王順成


首先,探討醫療照護環境易生之感染菌種特性及種類,藉由相關文獻檢視發現,主要以金黃色葡萄球菌、大腸桿菌及綠膿桿菌居多,而這類感染源常藉由受感染之環境或裝置,由照護者(包含家屬及護理人員)轉而帶到病人身上,增加感染之機會。   市面上常見之滅菌劑,多使用漂白水進行滅菌。其主要成分為含3-16%之次氯酸鈉(Sodium Hypochlorite, NaOCl),其毒性雖不高,但大量暴露時仍可能造成輕至中度的腐蝕性傷害,若濃度過高時,進一步使用會造成皮膚侵蝕和皮膚發炎等狀況。在醫療照護環境的使用上,稀釋漂白水常用來清潔病人經常接觸之表面,例如:床欄、隔離簾、點滴架、洗手台及牆面等,屬於滅菌功效好、取得容易且較為經濟之滅菌劑,但長期使用下,容易造成金屬表面的鏽蝕,縮短醫療器材的使用年限,而廢水則容易造成水汙染。   另外,較不常見之滅菌劑為次氯酸水(Hypochlorous acid, HClO),具有很強的氧化能力,是目前對於環境污染較低之滅菌劑之一,不會因為熱或是其他物理因素就改變本身的結構,而造成物品或食物的損害,在實務上有被用來減緩水果的腐爛時間,醫療上有用來清潔傷口及手術消毒,並且有研究指出次氯酸水(HClO)對金黃色葡萄球菌有良好的殺菌能力。   因此,本研究針對加護病房中病人、家屬及護理人員經常接觸之區域,例如:床欄、隔離簾、點滴架、洗手台及牆面,以擦拭方式進行滅菌實驗,評估次氯酸水是否可有效滅菌並取代漂白水,進而降低對環境造成之汙染,經實驗結果顯示,次氯酸水在滅菌效果上確實有良好的表現。


According to the articles of health care environment, there are three types of bacteria are the most common to occur in health care environment, such as Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. These bacteria usually transfer by carers to patients, the carers including family members, doctors and nurses, which increase the chance of infection.   There are many kinds of bactericides can be used to sterilization. Normally, people using bleach, which content 3-16% Sodium Hypochlorite (NaOCl). Even though the toxicity strength of bleach is not very strong, still cannot use in high concentration and long-term using. It may cause skin erosion and skin inflammation in high concentration. In health care environment, dilute bleach (Sodium Hypochlorite, NaOCl) can be used to clean handrail, curtain, intravenous drip rack, sink and wall, which is effective and easy to buy from market. In long-term using, bleach will cause corrosion of metal surface. Moreover, the wastewater can also cause water pollution.   However, there is another bactericide can be chosen, Hypochlorous acid water (HClO), which can be oxidized soon. Hypochlorous acid water not only is one of low pollution bactericides to the environment, but also is low damage to skin, goods and foods. In practice, HClO has been used to slow down the decay of fruit. In health care environment, HClO can be used to clean the wound and surgical disinfection. In addition, HClO has good bactericidal ability to Staphylococcus aureus.   This research is focus on the areas, such as handrail, curtain, intravenous drip rack, sink and wall, which the patients, family members, doctors and nurses, are usually to touch in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). We use dilute bleach (NaOCl) and HClO to wipe those areas. The results shown HClO not only has best bactericidal ability than dilute bleach (NaOCl), but also has lower pollution to the environment than dilute bleach.


