  • 學位論文


Insurance Companies Employees' Perceptions of Operational Risks

指導教授 : 陳美夙


目前金融市場環境變化迅速,金融業務日趨多元化,相對的風險控管的能力更是金融業者必須具備的條件。企業經營時會面臨諸多風險,如信用風險、國家風險、利率風險、作業風險、市場風險等等之風險,而其中作業風險為近年越來越受重視的風險。 本研究欲了解的對象為壽險公司的內勤人員和外勤人員對於保險公司實施作業風險的原因認知、作業風險的認知、保險公司作業風險管理的認知、保險公司作業風險管理的危機處理狀況認知,檢定公司特性和人口統計變數對這四個構面的認知性,進而去改善保險公司的內部教育訓練,希望能降低保險公司發生作業風險的機率及損失。 研究採問卷調查法,以網路問卷進行調查,調查時間為2016年10月至11月,有效問卷200份,以線性迴歸、單因子變異數分析及獨立樣本T檢定進行分析。本研究發現(1)保險從業人員任職的公司是金控公司,對於公司的作業風險管理之危機處理狀況的認知有顯著正向影響;(2)保險從業人員是主管對作業風險的認知有正向顯著影響;(3)教育程度越高對於公司的作業風險管理之危機處理狀況有顯著正向影響。


As today’s financial market landscape changes rapidly and financial businesses are becoming diversified, the corresponding risk management ability is a must for financial business operators. There are many risks companies may encounter in their operations, such as credit risk, country risk, interest rate risk, operational risk and market risk etc., among which operational risk is the risk that has been drawing increasing attention in recent years. The purpose of this study is to understand to what extent internal and field staff of life insurance companies recognize operational risk, causes of this risk in the operations of their companies, operational risk management and crisis handling therein in their companies, as well as suggest possible improvement in internal education and training for these companies by assessing how the two variables, company characteristics and staff demographics, affect the extent of recognition of the aforementioned four dimensions in hopes of reducing the probability of operational risk occurrence and associated loss. For the purpose of this study, an online questionnaire survey was conducted from October to November, 2016, resulting in 200 valid questionnaires. Linear regression, single factor analysis of variance and independent sample t-test were used for analysis. This study finds (1) whether the participating insurance professionals work for a financial holding company (FHC) or non-FHC has a significant positive effect on the extent of recognition of crisis handling in operational risk management in their companies, with the former having a greater extent of recognition of such than the latter; (2) whether these participants are in a managerial or non-managerial position has a significant positive effect on the extent of recognition of operational risk, with the former having a greater extent of recognition of such than the latter; and (3) the education of the participants has a significant positive effect on the extent of recognition of crisis handling in operational risk management in their companies, with those with a postgraduate degree having a greater extent of recognition of such than those with a high school or vocational high school degree.


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