  • 學位論文


The Study of Execution Model for Ecological Engineering in Yu-Shan National Park

指導教授 : 張子修


國家公園設置以保育為核心宗旨,除提供教育及學術單位自然教學研究空間,以及保育研究所需之外,並提供人民休閑遊憩活動最佳場所。為達到前揭目的,工程設施興建是無可避免的,除了應秉持著不破壞原有自然生態環境的原則,更應盡可能建構近於自然的遊憩環境,以求與自然生態環境共榮共存,因此國家公園內設施之興建,應融入「生態工程」的設計理念,使國家公園之經營管理能永續發展。 本研究以現有國內各國家公園已完成之工程設施為研究對象,並蒐集歷年來有關生態工程相關文獻資料及執行實例與問題,並針對國家公園生態工程於設計單位遴選、規劃、設計、發包、施工暨維護管理等階段之執行流程暨問題進行探討與研究,最後綜合研究成果建立國家公園生態工程各階段執行模式,可供高山型國家公園參考應用;另由於玉管處及各國家公園目前仍未建立完整生態環境資料庫、設計準則及施工規範,本研究建議各國家公園就已施作或未來擬施作之生態工程,要求規劃設計單位研擬或委託相關學術研究單位建立,完成後可互相交流供各國家公園設計參考應用,以利日後生態工程順利推動。


The objective of establishing national park is, on the basis of ecological conservation, to provide natural environments for both education and research activities in academy as well as ideal recreational areas for the civilians. Some constructed facilities within the national parks are necessary for achieving the above goal. However, the design and construction of the selected facilities should be carried out on the principle of conserving the existing natural ecological system in order to have the national park fit in with the surrounding areas and, moreover, to have mutual benefits between each other. Therefore, the concept of ecological engineering should be incorporated into the design and construction of the selected facilities as to be an essential element of the sustainable management of the national park. The research was conducted with the focus on engineering works of the existing constructed facilities in the national parks in Taiwan and collected articles related to the practical applications of ecological engineering used by the national park authorities in Taiwan and abroad. The study and analysis were concentrated on the current execution model used by the national park administrations including Yu-Shan national park in Taiwan, and the corresponding problem/solution tactics during each phase of the entire project process including: (1) selection of Architecture/Engineers, (2) planning, (3) design, (4) procurement, (5) construction, and (6) maintenance stages. As a result of the study, a proper and feasible execution model was developed based on the outcome of the analysis, which can be used not only by the studied Yu-Shan national park but also by other similar type of high-mountain national parks throughout the region. In addition, the results of the study revealed that a more domestic and complete data base of ecological environment conditions, design principles, and construction specifications has not yet been developed by the Yu-Shan or other national parks in Taiwan. The study suggest that proper academic research units can be invited to help develop the above mentioned database for the use by the national park administrations to better conduct ecological engineering in the future facility constructions.


