  • 學位論文


A Study of Urban Refuge Capacity and Evacuation Route

指導教授 : 沈永堂


當大型災難(如地震)一旦發生時,人們的直覺就成為求生避難的最基本能力,都市一般所能提供之維生與避難的角色為公園綠地及學校。由於避難據點容納量及可提供的服務設施是有限的,因此在避難據點的供給與居民的需求兩項條件下,如何規劃現有公園綠地及學校使其能有效服務其鄰近居民至此避難為本研究的重點。 本研究首先回顧對於避難據點範圍劃設及避難路徑研究上之相關文獻,接著應用凡諾依圖形分析法(Voronoi Diagram)劃定各避難據點的服務範圍,於估算各避難據點容納量及避難人口數比例後,以道路作為各避難點之間的移動路徑。利用最近鄰點法(Nearest Neighbor Method)最短路徑的概念分配居民至避難據點,之後加入差異填滿法(Difference Fill Method)、差異均分法(Difference Average Method)以容納量為優先考量分配避難居民,依此原則,直到所有居民皆安全疏散到避難據點為止,為了降低傷亡率,於分配時先以負荷超載及負荷不足差異大小最高的據點優先分配,依此步驟,逐步填滿各避難據點空間,使台中市西區的居民都有地方安置。 實證研究以台中市西區為研究對象,經由均衡避難據點的供給與居民的需求作為分配避難居民的考量後,可瞭解實際收容避難居民的容納量與涵蓋範圍,以及避難居民移動至避難據點的路徑架構。其結果顯示出台中市西區以公園綠地及學校作為避難據點使用時,並無法完全收容所有的避難居民,過多的避難居民必須前往鄰近行政區進行避難。本研究所應用之分配方式能於地震災害來臨時的第一時間內將居民疏散至安全且空曠的避難空間,對於避難據點的空間也能夠充分利用,也能夠降低居民搜尋避難據點的時間並導致不必要的傷亡產生。 關鍵字:容納量、避難據點、最近鄰點法、差異填滿法、差異均分法


When the large-scale disaster (such as earthquake) occurs, people’s self-reaction becomes the basic ability to keep safety. Parks and schools are provided for people to maintain livelihood in urban area. The capacity of refuge and service facility is limited in park or school. Therefore, how to plan the existing parks and schools effectively to serve the residents who live near the park or school under the available capacity of refuge. This study first reviews the literature of refuge layout and evacuation route. The application of Voronoi Diagram is used to layout the refuge service area, and we also estimate the proportion of refuge capacity and asylum population in the service area. Next, we apply the concept of the shortest path in Nearest Neighbor Method to distribute the residents to refuge. Then using Difference Fill Method, Difference Average Method to distribution of residents first by capacity, by this way, until all residents were safely evacuated to the refuge, in order to reduce the casualty rates, the refuge which has the highest difference between overcapacity and insufficiency capacity were first distribution, base on this rule, will gradually fill of every refuge space, to settle down all residents in the west district of Taichung City. This study takes the west district of Taichung City as an example, balanced by way of consideration refuges supply and residents need to regard distribution, could be better understanding the refuge capacity and coverage in actual, as well as base the path structure of residents moving to the refuge. The results show that parks and schools as bases for the refuge in the west district of Taichung City can not serve all residents; some residents have to move to others refuge in neighboring district. The distribution model of this study can be used to easily evacuate residents to the safe refuge while earthquake happened. The refuge space also can to be able to be effectively used, and reduce the casualty rates when residents to searching for refuge. Keywords: Capacity, Refuge, Nearest Neighbor Method, Difference Fill Method, Difference Average Method


6. 何明錦、李威儀,2002,"台中市都市防災空間系統規劃",內政部建築研究所。
22.許銘顯、郭詩毅、林慶元,2004,"921大地震中長期避難所與避難圈關係之調查研究",《建築學報》,第49期,中華民國建築學會,pp. 23-37。


