  • 學位論文


Using Acceleration and Heart Rate to Monitor Construction Worker’s Performance-A Case Study on Form Assembly Work

指導教授 : 鄭道明


摘要 目前國內土木營建業的施工上,大部分的工程仍然須仰賴人力來施作,在進行勞工工作效率調查時,皆採用現場觀測及人工記讀的方式,記錄現場勞工工作狀況以進行評估,且評估方式一般採用局部性的效率觀察推估整體作業的狀況及效率,對於全面性現場人員管理上較無法掌控。因此在工程上的現場作業人員的效率管理評估上,藉由自動化及全面性的評估工作人員的狀況,精確掌握工程作業進度,為所追求之目標。 本研究採實驗方式,進行探討系統模板各作業項目施工,同時量測作業時受測者之心搏率及三軸加速度。研究結果顯示,系統模板各作業項目之心搏率,在直接工作之作業項目心搏率量測結果皆較間接工作及無工作之作業項目高,顯示其作業負荷較大。而各作業項目之加速度可藉由假設檢定來做區分。在九項作業項目36組假設檢定結果顯示,僅三組檢定結果無法證明其作業時之加速度值有顯著之不同,分別為休息-站與溝通、休息-站與讀圖、釘釘子與鎖螺絲。以心搏率結合加速度的量測,作為評估系統模板工作業狀況,可有效分析工作時之作業項目,藉由此分析提供管理者在勞工作業生產力上的進度掌握及提出相關生產力管理作業上之觀測方法及建議。


加速度 系統模板 心搏率


Abstract In Taiwan, most works in relating to civil constructions still rely on manpower. On-site observations and manual recording are the methods usually used for a survey of working efficiency. Working conditions are recorded on site so as to make further assessment. Generally, such assessment is made on a basis of partial observations on efficiency, which is adopted to deduce overall conditions and efficiency. However, such method is unable to achieve comprehensive on-site personnel management. The objective pursued is to precisely control working progress through automatic and comprehensive evaluation on related personnel. This study discussed the executions of various types of form assembly via experiments. Meanwhile, heart rate and three-dimensional acceleration exhibited from workers were measured upon executions. The results of this study showed that heart rate measurements by direct works were higher than those by indirect works and non-work. Such fact explained that direct works presented greater load. The acceleration measurements by various works could be distinguished via hyposthesis testing. The results obtained from 9 work items and 36 groups of hypothesis testsing indicated that only three groups could not be proved of any significant difference in acceleration upon executions. They were rest-standing and communicating, rest-standing and graph reading as well as nailing and screw fastening. The measurements of both heart rate and acceleration could be effectively used to analyze and evaluate the works in relating to form assembly. Such analysis can be provided to managers for progress control over labor productivity and for making observations and suggestions in connection with productivity management.


acceleration heart rate form assembly


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