  • 學位論文


The Effect of Achievements Bonus System to the Motivation of Production Department Employees in the Rubber Conveyor Belt Industry-A Case Study of HYC Company

指導教授 : 張 純 莉


橡膠輸送帶業屬於一般所稱之3K產業(日文發音:髒(kitanai)、辛苦(kitsui)、危險(kikem)),該產業投資在機械設備金額甚鉅,因此固定成本較高。再加以近年來政府的多項政策,導致企業用人成本因此不斷墊高。面臨如此內、外在的壓力,產業經營環境更是日愈艱難。 然而,當與競爭者同處於相同的環境狀況下,企業為提高競爭力並徹底排除企業內部所有一切的浪費,不斷進行各種以改善為核心的降低成本活動。而有效的績效獎金制度,對生產部員工激勵的成效,對增加生產力、降低成本、提高公司獲利及企業競爭優勢,是有其正面價值。 本研究藉鑫永銓股份有限公司實施生產部績效獎金制度為案例,探討企業執行該制度所需的關鍵要素,以作為業界推行時參考。研究結果如下: 一、薪資獎金制訂應以組織目標為前提,充分考量內求公平外求競爭之原則 ,在設計上建立能夠量化的指標,並依照同業間工作特性以及同區間比較,考慮市場的整體給付水平來設計。 二、一個具有優良工作環境、精良的生產機具、很好的福利制度的企業,很容易被競爭對手所複製,唯有加上合適的員工薪獎激勵制度,從績效評核中讓員工了解自己的專長與缺點,協助員工加強技能,並提供訓練的時機與機會學習,有效運用評定結果來作對策,方可協助「管理」發揮效益,使企業擁有競爭者無法超越的能力。 三、台灣橡膠產業由於固定成本較高,唯有充分運用機器、提高產能與品質,才能增加獲利空間,而生產部員工在這部份扮演著極關鍵性的角色。因此,為了要長久且持之以恆激發員工的工作意願和潛能來提高組織績效 ,並能留住好的人才,以績效獎金制度為激勵主要手段屬較直接且有成效之方法。 四、績效衡量構面、組織目標的達成程度要讓員工清楚地瞭解,由評核項目的成績推算到組織目標達成率,可以讓組織中的管理者與員工清楚地瞭解組織目標的達成程度,建立全員共識的向心力。 五、績效獎金制度應以個人績效制度配合團體績效薪資制度,兩種制度合併考量產生的績效制度,其優點可以讓員工很容易了解努力的目標,並增加生產部員工之間的團隊精神。


Rubber conveyor belt is used be classified to so-called 3K industry, Japanese pronunciation (means hard physical work (kitsui)、dirty (kitanai)、and dangerous (kikem)). The fixed cost is higher than others because of the investment for production facilities is huge, and the labor cost keep increasing due to the government policies in these few years. All the situations make it tougher to run this kind of business under the double pressures come from outside and inside of the industry. However, enterprises whom are under the same circumstances have to work hard on eliminate all waste and keep introducing cost down activities for becoming more competitive. The effects of incentive to the employees of production department comes from a well designed achievement bonus system, which can help to improve productivity, reduce cost, increase profit and bring competitive advantages to enterprise. This study takes the sample from Hsin Yung Chien Co., Ltd. when they put their achievements bonus into practice. This research discussing about the key elements for an enterprise to implement this system, it can also be a reference data for other companies to introduce this system. The detail of research as below: 1. The motivation system should be set under the premise of organizations objective, adequately considered the principle of fairness to all members and yet competitive to others, design the index with quantification analysis, in accordance with the same work in same industry and the same area, and also have to consider the paying level of the total market. 2. A good enterprise with good working environment, modern facilities and good welfare system is easy to be copied by other competitors. The only solution to make the enterprise with capability beyond competitors is to combine with a suitable incentive system to employees. Through the achievement inspection employees can know more about their strength and weakness, help them to enhance expertise and provide timely training and opportunities for study. Only a strategy that established on base of achievement inspection can bring the max benefit to “management”. 3. Due to the higher fixed cost of the rubber industry in Taiwan, enterprise can only increase the profit through adequately operating of facilities to enhance productivity and quality level. The employee of production department is playing a key roll in this part. In order to keep long and continuously encouraging for employees working will and potential also enhance organizational achievement and keep capable workers, use achievements bonus as an incentive method is a much more direct and effective way. 4. In view of achievement evaluation, the performance must be clearly known by employees. The management and employee in the organization can know clearly about organizations objective and performance though the procedure transferring those scores of inspected items into the achievement performance of overall goal, further more to establish a common consensus for all the members. 5. The achievement bonus system should combine personal and team performance with salary system. The benefit of the combination is that employees can easily to know their goal to work for, and enhance team work between each other in the production department.


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