  • 學位論文

紋化故事 - 台灣文化迷思於女性紋身圖案的運用設計

The Cultural Story of Tattoo - The Application Design of Taiwanese Cultural Myth on Feminine Tattoo Graphics.

指導教授 : 王桂沰


為何紋身?相信這個問題不斷的浮現在你我心中。紋身的意義隨著時代的流轉,不停的在變換。現今,因為「流行」的力量,使紋身轉換成一種時下的另類風潮,更滿足了人類顛覆傳統的心理。 當今紋身也不再是男性的專屬,女性軀體上出現的紋身,告訴我們現代女性擁有身體的自主權,紋身,對於現代女性來說,便是流行趨勢。 文化對人來說,其結構是人存在的佐證。文化中總是包含著各種迷思,而迷思是一種文化思考事物的方式。本創作運用女性文化迷思做為主要故事創作背景,以羅蘭.巴特符號表徵二層意義理論來釋出符號,將其符號轉換創作為女性紋身圖案,再與女性軀體作為結合,最終以海報的形式來描繪出紋身圖案裡所存在的紋化故事,期望藉此創作為紋身帶來新的文化價值。


設計 女性 文化迷思 符號學 紋身


Why do people get tattoos? It is believed that this question has always been kept in people’s mind. The meaning of tattoo has been continuously changing time after time. Today, the tattoo has been transferred to a different type of trendy style to fulfill people’s desire against the tradition due to the power of “fashion”. Nowadays, not only men can get tattoos. The tattoos shown on women’s body tell people that women have self-determination on their body as well. To modern women, the tattoo refers to a fashion trend. For human, the structure of the culture is the evidence to prove the human’s existence while the tattoo means the determination of the outlook. As a result, the main background story of this creation is based on the myth of women culture. Further, this creation comes up with symbols according to the two levels of signification of Roland Barthes’ theory and transforms the symbols into the design of tattoos for women. Finally, this creation combines the design of tattoos with women’s body to draw the cultural story of the tattoo on the poster. It is hoped that this creation can give the tattoo with new cultural value and perspective.


Tattoo Cultural Myth Feminine Semiotics Design


