  • 學位論文


The Study on Tzu Chi Elementary Teachers’ Perception of Life Meaning

指導教授 : 林楚欣


本研究旨在從V. E. Frankl意義治療法的觀點,探討國小慈濟教師在生命歷程中所獲得的人生經驗以及參與志願服務經驗,從中了解其對生命意義的深刻體會,並分析影響生命意義感之形塑因素。以立意取樣選擇三位國小慈濟教師為研究對象,主要對國小慈濟教師在生命自主與負責、苦難與死亡的接納、求意義的意志、生命目的與實踐等層面,透過文獻探討、深度訪談、省思札記及文件資料等多元方式蒐集研究資料,進行資料分析與歸納,本研究之結果如下: 一、國小慈濟教師之生命歷程 (一)國小慈濟教師的生命故事是人與環境多元互動的歷程 (二)國小慈濟教師歷經生命中的重大事件與重要他人 (三)善的循環 (四)縮小自己,成就他人 (五)以慈悲心付出,更要發揮智慧 二、國小慈濟教師之生命意義感 (一)人存在的本質是選擇與負責 (二)由因緣果報觀接納苦難人生 (三)以正向的態度面對逆境與死亡 (四)透過實踐發現存在的意義與價值 (五)從利人利己找到生命之目的 (六)以「同理心」展現關懷生命之態度與方法 三、影響國小慈濟教師生命意義感之形塑因素 (一)從生命脈絡中看見個人獨特的價值 (二)正向宗教觀、證嚴法師的期勉與教誨、思維轉念,以及經驗學習幫助慈濟教師面對苦難人生 (三)生死教育的意義,珍惜能付出的時刻 (四)視助人工作是本份事,且承擔必定完成的使命 (五)宗教義理及典範學習是慈濟教師探尋生命意義感的契機 (六)從行善助人歷程中,促使慈濟教師尋獲生命意義感 最後,根據上述結論,分別對國小教師與未來相關研究可進行的方向提出建議。 關鍵字:生命意義感、慈濟教師


The study was conducted to explore the life experience gained from life course and willingness of volunteer service of Tzu-Chi Elementary teachers from the perspective of V.E. Frankl Logotherapy, thereby understanding their profound perception of life and analyzing the factors influencing the shaping of perception of life meaning. Three teachers from Tzu-Chi Elementary were selected by purposive sampling for interview. The research was majorly involved in discussing the following aspects, i.e. the teachers’ autonomy and responsibility for life, the acceptance of hardship and death, will to pursue meaning, life purpose and practice. The data were collected by the methods of literature review, in-depth interview, reflective journals, documents, etc. All data were further analyzed and categorized. The research results are as follows: 1.Life Course of Tzu-Chi Elementary Teachers (1)The life stories of Tzu-Chi Elementary teachers are experiences gained from human-environmental interactions. (2)The important events and significant others of Tzu-Chi Elementary teachers in their life. (3)A cycle of kindness. (4)sacrifice themselves to benefit others (5)Devote with compassion and wisdom 2.Tzu-Chi Elementary Teachers’ Perception of Life Meaning (1)Human beings are born for chose and responsibility (2)Embrace a life of suffering with the viewpoint of cause-condition and effect (3)Face adversity and death with positive attitudes (4)Find the meaning and value of existence through practice (5)Find the purpose of life with the viewpoint of helping others helping themselves (6)Show the attitudes and methods for caring life with the empathy 3.The Factors Influencing Tzu-Chi Elementary Teachers’ Shaping of Perception of Life Meaning (1)Have an insight into individually unique values from life contexts (2)Help Tzu-Chi Elementary teachers to face suffering life via the positive religious views, encouragement and teaching of Dharma Master Cheng-Yen, Metanoia and experience learning (3)The meaning of life and death education and cherish the moment of devotion (4)Regard helping others as duty and assume the missions doomed to be fulfilled (5)Religious principles and exemplary learning are opportunities for Tzu-Chi teachers to explore the meaning of life (6)Facilitate Tzu-Chi teachers to seek for the meaning of life with the experience of doing good and helping others The recommendations for elementary teachers and on future research direction were finally put forward based on the foregoing conclusions. Key words: Perception of Life Meaning, Tzu-Chi teachers


