  • 學位論文


Exploring Young Female Consumers’ Styling Preferences for Bikes

指導教授 : 李朝金


由於全球加速暖化與環保議題當道,能源價格又屢創新高,使得國內休閒運動與追求健康的風氣逐漸盛行。在參與自行車休閒活動的人口數顯著增加之下,其中亦有不少女性消費者紛紛為了健康窈窕而加入騎乘自行車的行列。目前台灣自行車產業一直在尋找屬於自己的藍海策略,而根據前述的趨勢,可知掌握女性市場就等於佔領未來的一片藍海,因此女性自行車消費者逐漸成為各廠家爭相探究的對象。 基於上述的趨勢,本研究探討的目的即在針對年輕女性消費者對於自行車「整體外觀造型」,以及「局部外觀造型」等兩方面的偏好傾向進行探討,並且再據以歸納整理出女性專用自行車之的設計原則。希望能夠提供業者作為研發女性專用自行車的參考依據。 本研究採用調查法作為收集初級資料的途徑。經過統計與分析之後所獲得的主要結論首先為年輕女性消費者都傾向偏好「折疊車」,此點可能顯示折疊車的體積輕巧、攜帶便利,及收納方便等特性,頗能獲得女性消費者的喜愛。其次的結論為年輕女性消費者在購買自行車時所優先考量的通常都是整體車架之造形,此結果顯示女性消費者在購買決策的考量上注重的仍是整體的感覺與價值,而不善於就分解之元素進行解析性的思考。上述結論在女性專用自行車的研發設計上應有一定的參考價值。


Due to the increasing concern over global warming and environment issues, especially for the additional push of continuous rising energy prices, pursuing leisure activities and fitness has become a popular fashion in Taiwan recently. Among the more and more numbers of cycling population who were attracted by this trendy fashion, there certainly are many female consumers who participate in cycling for their fitness and health as well. In recent years, the bicycle industries in Taiwan have been very keen in trying to look for their own blue ocean strategies. For the above reasons, it is presumable that grasping the market of female consumers can mean the occupation of a vast blue ocean in the future of bicycle business. Therefore, all the key players in Taiwanese bicycle industry had shown their interests in exploring the needs of female consumers gradually. Under the above backgrounds, the purpose of this study was focused the exploration on young female consumers’ preferences for “the overall appearance design” and “the detailed appearance design” of bicycles. Based on these results, then the principles of designing bicycles directed for female market were sorted out. Hope that the conclusions of this study could be of reference for developing female-directed bicycles in the industry. This study adopted questionnaire survey as the tool for collecting primary data. Through statistical analyses, two major conclusions were reached: Firstly, the young females prefer to buy folding bicycles. This preference may be due to the characteristics of light-weight and convenience in carrying and transportation of folding bicycles. Secondly, young female consumers tend to follow the overall feelings in their buying decision for bicycles. This tendency shows that female buying behaviors are following more holistic feelings rather than analytical thinking. These conclusions should be useful references in developing female-directed bicycles.


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