  • 學位論文


Preliminary Study of Non-Standard Concrete With Recycled Fine Aggregate Using Resevoir Sedimentary Soils In Central Taiwan

指導教授 : 張子修


摘要 本研究於南投縣仁愛鄉霧社水庫所取樣之水庫淤積土,以不同水灰比製模完成7天、28天之抗壓強度試驗、基本物理性質試驗、耐磨試驗,由本研究實驗結果得知,使用水庫淤積土於水灰比0.5、1.0及1.5之混凝土,其齡期28天之抗壓強度分別可達標準混凝土之54%~64%(49kg/cm2~248kg/cm2),本研究結果認為使用水庫淤積土細骨材之混凝土仍可應用於非制式混凝土,如當地砌(排)塊石擋土牆混凝土材料、河道水工構造物背填塊(卵)石混凝土材料、CLSM(控制性低強度材料)及當地路寬4M以下產業道路、農路之剛性路面舖設。如此方能實現就地取材使用,降低工程成本,期能提升水庫淤積土之價值,並減輕清淤工程經費支出。


Abstract The research was conducted to study the mechanical property of concrete using fine aggregate substituted with the sedimentary soils retrieved from Wu-Shey reservoir in Ren-Ai, Nantou County, Taiwan. Laboratory tests in the study include fundamental physical property, compression strength, ductility and abrasion resistance characteristics at curing time of 7 and 28 days with water/cement ratio of 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5. The main purpose of the research was to study the feasibility of using the reservoir sedimentary soils as fine aggregate for concrete mix to reduce the cost of removing the sedimentary soils and maintain the storage capacity of the reservoir. The results of the tests revealed that the compression strength of the concrete mixed with the reservoir sedimentary soil at 28 day ranges from 49 kg/cm2 – 248 kg/cm2 at the selected water/cement ratios, which are about 54%-64% of the regular concrete mixed with standard natural aggregate commonly used in practice. Based on the results of the study, the research preliminarily suggests that the sedimentary soils can be used in non-standard concrete for some construction projects such as gravity-type retaining wall, and flood control and stream regulation facilities for rivers in the reservoir area. In addition, the mechanical properties of the concrete using the sedimentary soils also meet the criteria for application in controlled low strength material (CLSM), farmland pedestrian passage with width less than 4 meter, and rigid pavement for light traffic in rural areas. The results of the study provide useful information for better understanding of mechanical property and value of the sedimentary soils as to more effectively manage the reservoir storage capacity.




