  • 學位論文


Relationship between Snack Intake of Elementary School Children and Learning Achievement

指導教授 : 嚴金恩


研究背景:零食產品日趨多樣且精緻化。近年來,各國兒童在零食攝取方面有增加的趨勢,從零食所攝取到的熱量比率很高,零食中含有許多的添加物,造成健康與行為問題,進而影響兒童的學習成就,在國外已有許多關注與研究,在台灣則較少研究兒童攝取零食與學習成就的關係。因此,本研究欲瞭解國小學童攝取零食與學習成就之間的關聯性。 研究方法:以苗栗縣一所國小7~12歲學童進行調查,由家長或主要照顧者填寫問卷,取得受測兒童在校國語與數學成績。 研究結果:共有243位國小兒童參加本研究,88%的兒童平時有吃「零食類食物」的習慣。三種不同零食攝取主要飲食型態中,以「點心類食物」為主要飲食型態的國小兒童其數學與國語成績高於以「零食類食物」與「零食與點心類食物兩者皆有」飲食型態之兒童,但沒有統計上的顯著差異。就不同年級的學習成就而言,在低年級的國語成績呈現統計上的顯著差異,平常零食攝取以「點心類食物」為主要飲食型態的兒童之國語成績顯著高於飲食型態為「零食類食物」的兒童(p=0.04)。迴歸分析結果,有無攝取零食類食物與學習成就呈現負相關,但沒有統計上的顯著差異。 結論:本研究結果顯示,零食攝取的主要型態若以「點心類食物」為主要飲食型態的國小兒童其數學與國語成績高於以「零食類食物」與「零食與點心類食物兩者皆有」飲食型態之兒童。兒童應養成健康飲食觀念,多吃天然且新鮮的食物,避免攝取過度加工、高脂、高鹽、高糖的垃圾食物,應多吃新鮮天然的食物以維護身體健康,增進學習成就。


學習成就 零食 國小兒童


Background:Snack tend to variety and delicate in recent years. Studies found children increased the consumption of snack around the world. Therefore, there are high percentage calories from sanck. On the other hand, snack contains food additives, which could cause health, behavioral problems and then influence learning performance in school children. Studies investigated the relationship between diet and academic performance in past years. But few studies have examined the effects of snack intake on academic performance of school children in Taiwan. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between sanck intake and academic achievement in elematary school children. Methods:Study subjects were recruited from an elementary school in Maioli County. Sociodemographic and snack intake data were obtained from questionnaires and answered by parents or primary caregivers of participating children. Learning achievement was determined according to the two scores (Chinese and Mathematics) from the average examination records of participating children. Results:In total, 243 elementary school children (age 7-12 yrs) participated in this study, among 88% were used to intake snack food. Dietary patterns were divided into three categories: “snack food”, “refreshment”, and “both”. The mean Mathematics and Chinese scores of “refreshment” dietary pattern children were higher than those “snack food” and “both” dietary pattern children but no statistic significant differences. Look at academic achievement in different grades, Chinese scores of “refreshment” dietary pattern children were significant higher than “sanck food” dietary pattern in low-grade students (p=0.04). Regression analysis after adjustment, the snack intake was negative associated with learning achievement in school children but no statistic significant difference. Conclusions:Our study indicated the Mathmatics and Chinese scores of “refreshment” dietary pattern childrem were higher than those “snack food” and “both” dietary pattern children. Children should develop the concepts and form a habit of health dietary pattern, selecting natural fresh foods and avoiding processed foods, junk food with high-fat, high-salt and high-sugar. School children should establish good dietary habit, it will be improve health and raise learing achievement through natural fresh food and better nutrition.


林薇、李靜華(2005年6月)。青少年對食品營養標示的認知、態度與其選購行為之關係研究。臺灣營養學會雜誌,30,43 -53。


