  • 學位論文


A study of group buying for mobile purchasing

指導教授 : 薛夙珍


新的線上行銷『團購』方式快速竄升,團購網站平台也成長迅速,如美國的Groupon、日本的Qpod(為日本的Groupon)、大陸的拉手網、台灣的ihergo愛合購及已與Groupon合併的地圖日誌等。大多數團購網站以優惠券概念進行運作,從開團到交易結束僅以電子郵件發佈相關訊息與兌換商品的通知。然而,在進行團購交易時,交易個體常會擔心揪團者收到貨款後卻未交付交易商品,揪團者也必須承擔參與者在成團後否認參與交易而拒絕付款的風險。 因此本論文以行動商務為應用平台,在不揭露過多個人資訊的前提下,利用二維條碼作為邀請團購、取貨證明及紅利點數分配依據,提出兼顧安全性與公平性的團購交易協定,降低交易個體所需承擔的風險。此外,為了使團購交易中的參與者不只有單次的共同購買經驗,還能夠一起參與之後的團購,論文中設計了團購回饋分享機制,希望能提高跟團者與揪團者的黏著性,並且能夠共同分享利益。 論文中利用二維條碼作為參與團購資格及付款與參與團購證明之依據,並在領取團購商品時出示二維條碼來驗證團購參與者的身份。完成交易後,取得記錄團購參與證明之二維條碼,可作為下次紅利回饋分享之用,讓參與多個團購的跟團者能得到更多的優惠,同時也可吸引更多消費者參與。協定中所使用的條碼設計具備個人化與安全性,取貨時必須出示分別記載消費者與商家交易資訊的兩個條碼,兌換紅利時亦需要此張條碼作為證明以達到公平性。 由於二維條碼內容包含了具商業利益的資訊,可能遭受惡意使用者竄改或偽造等攻擊,本論文採用數位簽章、單向赫序函數等密碼方法,對二維條碼及傳輸訊息做安全保護。協定中以具名之電子支票作為付款工具,當無法開團時則支票將自動失效,不但可避免非法持有者兌現支票,也可減少無法開團時須辦理預付款項之退款手續。


Online group buying is bursting out in the Internet, including Groupon in America, Qpod in Japan, Lashou in China, and ihergo in Taiwan. Most websites operate with the concept of coupons and communicates with transaction entities solely with emails in the whole process. Consequently, members of the buying group venture to pay to the group-buying organizer at the risk of receiving no goods, and the organizer takes the responsibility of members denying orders and payments after agreeing vendor negotiations. Therefore, we propose fair and secure group buying protocols for mobile purchasing in this thesis. With minimum disclosure of personal information, the protocols reduce individual risks of group buying members, by using 2D barcodes both to publish an agreement for group buying and to send out carrier’s notes securely. Fairness for both parties is achieved by exhibiting a barcode recording the consumer and a barcode recording seller’s transaction details upon getting goods. In this thesis, an incentive sharing mechanism is proposed to promote subsequent transactions and to improve the stickiness and the shared interests of participants in group purchasing. The protocols use personalized 2D barcode as both the proof of the invitation and the payment of group buying. The identity of the participant is authenticated by presenting the 2D barcode upon receiving goods. The 2D barcode of committing the group buying after transaction completion can be used for the allocation of bonus for future purchase. More bonuses are awarded to the participant as more group buying transactions are conducted. The 2D barcodes may subject to malicious use, tampering, forgery, and other security attacks because of the commercial value within. Our protocol uses digital signature, one-way hash function, asymmetric key cryptosystem, and other cryptographic methods to secure the 2D barcodes. In addition, the protocol uses named e-checks as the payment mechanism so that the e-checks will be invalidated if the deal is canceled at last. The employment of e-checks may avoid illegal holder to cashing the check, and reduce the refunding complexity of prepaid when the group buying fails.


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