  • 學位論文


A Study on Cognition of Drug Recycling Among Residence of Changhua County

指導教授 : 賴志松 楊文華


藥品或醫療廢棄物所帶來的汙染正面臨結構性變革之挑戰,醫療業的同仁正大力推行綠化的環保運動。彰化縣是全國最先實施廢棄藥品回收的縣份,現在大部份的醫院都設有「藥品回收站」,提供民眾回收廢棄藥品的管道,希望能實質減少醫療資源浪費並降低環境的汙染。 本研究欲探討彰化地區民眾對藥品回收的認知,因此透過分析民眾之基本資料與影響民眾參與藥品回收的各項因子進行分析與討論,本研究依據隨機抽樣發放問卷,針對居住彰化地區民眾進行問卷調查,發出300問卷回收共計288份,扣除填答不完整後其有效問卷共計267份。將所得之問卷資料,運用SPSS 13版統計套裝軟體,進行資料數據的統計與分析,分別敘述彰化地區民眾之個人基本資料分析,及其與藥品回收之各變項與認知意向間相關性之討論。 研究結果顯示:本研究發現僅有三成民眾曾將家中不要用的藥品送至廢棄藥品回收站。廢棄藥品回收機制宣導仍不足,因此多數民眾不瞭解其政策,但值得高興的是民眾對政策是支持的也願意配合。在計畫行為理論之各變項中,以情境因子與回收行為意向的相關程度最大,進一步將回收意向與情境因子之各子變項進行相關分析,顯示民眾的資源回收滿意度、政策了解程度、配合意願與資源回收行為意向亦呈相關,其中以配合意願與行為意向之相關性最高,政策滿意度次之,政策了解程度最低。此外,情境因子中之政策滿意度、了解程度與配合意願亦和回收意向呈顯著正相關,其中又以配合意願與回收意向關係性最高。 建議: (1) 廣設藥品回收站,如社區藥局、便利商店;(2) 增加回收便捷性:如於垃圾車掛藥品回收箱。(3) 加強宣傳方式:由明星或公眾人物代言拍攝宣導短片於電視媒體播放。


The environmental pollution brought about by disposed prescription drugs is undergoing a revolutional challenge, for the pharmaceutical personnels are strongly advocating a safe, eco-friendly medication disposal method. Chang Hua County is the first governmental district pioneering drug recycling program, which has led to the establishment of “drug recycling stations” nationwide with the aims of providing proper medication disposal, minimizing environmental pollution, and reducing drug wastage. The purpose of this study is to survey the cognition of Chang Hua County residents on drug recycling and analyze the factors that influence their compliance. A total number of 300 questionnaires were randomly distributed to residents of Chang Hua County, 288 were returned, and 267 of them were completely anwered and therefore valid for analysis. We used the 13th edition of SPSS for data analysis and statistics. In our study, we described the statistical data of the residents and discussed factors affecting cognition and compliance on drug recycling. The result of our study showed that only 30% of the residents took their prescription drugs to drug recycling stations for disposal. The propaganda on drug recycling was insufficient and most of the public was unaware of the drug recycling policies. However, majority of the residents were supportive of the drug recycling program and willing to comply. In conclusion, we suggest the following: 1) extending the number of drug recycling stations to include pharmacies and supermarkets; 2) increasing the convenience of drug recycling like adding a recycling box to the trash car; 3) enforcing the campaign on drug recycling such as having public icons or movie stars do commercial ads.


[15]李紋慧 (2009)。藥品回收分析。嘉基藥訊。81,6-8。
[5]台北市藥師公會。99年11月6 日,
