  • 學位論文


The Relationship among Intensity of Interaction, Kansei Trait and Relationship Quality-A Case of Cultural and Creative Industry

指導教授 : 周中理


將傳統文化、生活藝術注入新生命,即是所謂的文化創意。當產業面臨結構調整及經濟不景氣影響時,文化產業的興起帶起文化的新消費模式,因此本研究目的將以林班道商圈作為究對象,探討林班道商圈所展現的互動強度對關係品質之影響,並以消費者不同感性特質作為干擾變項。問卷發放採便利抽樣方式,正式問卷現場發放和網路發放共發出266份,回收266份,扣除填答不完整7份,有效問卷259份;資料分析包括樣本基本資料分析、敘述性統計分析、信度和效度分析、探索性因素分析、相關分析與階層多元迴歸分析。本研究實證結果如下: 一、互動強度對關係品質具顯著正向直接關係,獲得成立。 二、消費者感性特質會干擾互動強度對關係品質的影響,獲得部分成立。其中有影響的部分,為「高尚特質」干擾下,「互動深度」對「信任」具有負向顯著影響。「活力特質」干擾下,「互動深度」對「信任」及「互動頻率」對「滿意」具有正向顯著影響。


The culture creative means that we added an entirely new page into the traditional culture and art of living. When the market is influenced by the structure modification and economic recession, the cultural industry expands the new consumption mode. Therefore, our research was based on The Grove to discuss the effects from the intensity of interaction and relationship quality in The Grove. Furthermore, we established the moderating effect of consumers’ kansei traits. A total of 266 questionnaires were based on convenience sampling, including those obtained on-site and from the network. The feedback total was 266. Deducting 7 incomplete responses resulted in 259 effective questionnaires. The data analysis included sampling analysis, reliability and validity analysis, exploratory factor analysis, correlation analysis, and hierarchical multiple regression. The conclusion is explained as follows: 1. The hypothesis of the intensity of interaction has a positive effect on relationship quality is supported. 2. The hypothesis of consumers’ kansei traits have moderate effects on the impact of the intensity of interaction on relationship quality is partially supported. The “noble trait” of consumers negatively affects the impact of the “depth of interaction” on the “trust” of relationship quality. The “activity trait” of consumers positively affects the influence of the “depth of interaction” on the “trust” of relationship quality and the impact of the “frequency of interaction” on the “satisfaction” of relationship quality.


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