  • 學位論文


A Study on The Possibility of The Waste Re-used in Local Industry

指導教授 : 諸葛正


廢棄材料為生產過程中經常會產生的遺留產物,且多數廢棄材不會受到重視,往往最後只剩下成為產業垃圾一途。然而,從綠色設計概念的角度而言,在現今環境資源有限的狀況下,應該盡量利用這些可能仍有可用之處的廢棄物,以達到物盡其用目的。   近幾年來,節能減碳的口號出現,帶動起一股綠色風潮,使用可循環利用與可腐化的材料開始受到關注,符合環保概念的綠設計產品逐漸形成新的消費趨勢。由於竹製品在製作過程中幾乎完全使用竹材,甚少使用人工材質塗料,故在製造與毀損後的處理上,皆是自然帶有具環保綠色概念的重要材質,此也顯示竹子將可成為未來綠色新能源之一。   回到產業現況,以竹產業聞名的竹山鎮,地方竹材加工廠卻在無法跟隨社會環境轉變的腳步下逐漸萎縮。但如果以靈活運用材料的角度來看,竹材與其加工後產生的竹廢材,應該還是有著經濟發展效益的潛力。 所以本研究進行的材料開發實驗,便是以竹粉廢材與澱粉物質混合實驗製作而成之物。完成的複合材料再透過各種硬度、燃燒與吸水性的測試,以測試出最具開發潛力的新複合材料。   歸納本研究的實驗結果與意義有四點說明: 1.竹粉的質地鬆散,不同於原竹材可以直接取來加工利用,經實驗 發現,與一定比例的玉米粉混合加熱後的竹粉,會如黏土般具有 黏性與塑性,透過烘烤過程,會硬化成為結構穩定的固體。 2.本研究開發的竹粉與玉米粉複合材料組成原料與加工方式天然, 不會對環境造成汙染,也不須擔心材料耗損。經過實驗測試,材 料硬度值為Shore D 32,具有類似塑膠材料的硬度,可以思考發 展製作成為各種器物的可能性。 3.透過燃燒與含水實驗,瞭解竹粉與玉米粉複合材料具有不易燃燒 與吸水性強的性質。 4.本研究以地方竹藝工藝社將竹廢材當作養分型態處置的想法,應 用於竹粉與玉米粉複合材料的應用發展上。研究者發展的再生栽 培盆產品與後續應用在廢棄後,材料本身可以繼續作為土壤養料 ,而自成一生態循環。


In the process of production, waste materials are always the remnants of regular products. Most of the abandoned materials are not regarded by people, and they are often left and become industrial garbage eventually. However, from the concept of green design, we should make full use of these waste materials under the condition of limited resources nowadays. In recent years, the slogan of energy saving and carbon reduction have appeared. Using recycled and corruptible materials began are so popular that it leads trend of green life. Design with the concept of environmental protection become a new mode of consumption. The bamboos are entirely used in the process of bamboo products, no other artificial material contains, therefore not only the manufacture but also the disposal of the damaged material bamboo plays an important role in environmentalism and Green energy in the future. Back to the industry status, Zhu-shan, a small town in Nantou County, is famous for its bamboo industry. However, the local bamboo processing plants are unable to follow the footsteps of gradually social reform and are reduced gradually in recent years. From the perspective of flexible usage of materials, bamboos and the bamboo processing waste materials, there are still some benefits in economic developments. So the study focused on the experiments of material exploitation. We mixed the waste bamboo powder with amylum and the compound materials were tested by different hardness, incendiary agent and absorbent to output a new composite materials with the most development potential. According to the present experimental results, there are four significances of the research: 1. The texture of the bamboo powder are loose, unlike the original bamboo material, it can be manufactured directly. Besides, through the experiment, we found that after heating the bamboo powder and mixed with a certain proportion of corn powder, it will become sticky and plastic, such as the clay-like condition. And after the baking process, it can be integrated into solid and stable structure. 2. The research developed the compound materials of bamboo and corn powder , the materials composed and the processing method are natural, it does not cause pollution to the environment, and the consumers don’t have to worry about the material consumption. After testing, the material hardness is Shore d 32, with the similar hardness of plastic materials. We could even give some thought to develop all kinds of artifacts in our daily life. 3. Through the fire and water experiments, we learn about the bamboo and corn mixed powder has the characteristics that it is difficult to get fire but easy to hydrophile. 4. The study is based on the usage of disposal bamboo materials as the nutriment materials from the local bamboo handicraft factories. With the application of the mixed material, the researchers uses it on the reprocessed plants and the soil nutriment. The development of the material itself can be continued and became the ecological cycle.


3.Sim Vander Ryn & Stuart Cowan,郭彥銘譯,2009,《生態設計學》,馬可孛羅文化事業股份有限公司。
