  • 學位論文


Explore the characteristics of Puli wood export handicraft industry development from the History

指導教授 : 諸葛正


埔里-在木製外銷手工藝產業中發展成績耀眼之重鎮,亦是筆者的故鄉,既曾是世界各地聖誕節、復活節、萬聖節的木製飾品、木製傢飾、生活器具及郵購贈品最主要的產地重鎮,也幾乎可稱為世界聖誕飾品產業的原鄉。此項工藝產業早在1960年代就已發展。對於埔里木製外銷手工藝產業而言,現今無論是木製工藝相關技術,或材料的使用記載等,少有相關詳述。而回顧埔里木製外銷手工藝產業過去的相關文獻,以埔里為範圍探討之手工藝產業與地方發展的專論著作尚稱不足,尤其以聖誕飾品產業為主題的研究更是缺少,因此有關這方面將是未來研究可繼續發展的主題,並可從產業面向進行有關的研究思索。 對此,本研究旨針對埔里木製外銷手工藝產業,提出從歷史方向做為主要研究的論述起點,本研究期望透過從歷史文獻回顧其研究過程與田園調查、訪談,重新審視與釐清有關埔里木製外銷手工藝產業,並分析埔里木製外銷手工藝產業的流程、技術、材料、組織、人、產品風格,聖誕飾品與木製外銷產業市場與產業由盛而衰之原因。由產業維繫的發展面向提出思考,討論如何以續、以何為中心等的產業史為主要研究範疇,透過田野調查與訪問討論,期望可以有一些新思維的出現。 至於本研究的主要成果有六項: 1.自然資源的優勢與限制 埔里特殊的地理環境優勢及其限制,充沛的人力資源與木料供給,為埔里木製外銷手工藝產業帶來良好的發展契機。 2.影響產業萌芽興衰的政經背景 埔里在良好發展條件下,再加上台灣低廉工資與勤奮勞動力、製造技術日新月異,締造出木製外銷手工藝產業的榮景;卻也因受大環境不利因素壓力、政策重心轉移影響,使得產業走向沒落命運。 3.投資報酬率的現實面 埔里木製外銷手工藝產業敵不過投資報酬率降低的現實面而終致沒落,原因雖多,其中最主要一項原因可以說「成也在人,敗也在人」。這裡的「人」指的是勞動力而言。埔里因為較封閉的地理環境而有充沛的農閒剩餘人口,加上低廉工資與勤奮精神,為業者提供產業上最佳勞動力來源。曾幾何時,低廉工資的優勢不再,撐不過現實面的考驗,終使業者移轉海外,另起爐灶。 4.手工藝業者的殺雞取卵作為 埔里木製外銷手工藝業者面臨經營困境時,不思圖強求變以力挽狂瀾,反採殺雞取卵的作為,彼此削價競爭、技術移轉貪圖厚利,最後終究自食惡果,加速產業的沒落,終至無可挽回。 5.材料的使用替代問題 埔里木製外銷手工藝的材質原本是木料,但自從替代材質出現後,面臨被取代的重大危機。首先是POLY(聚酯樹脂)的出現,本來木料取得已日漸不易,甚至須仰賴進口,POLY在價格及取得上不但佔盡優勢,更可以做出木材所無法呈現的質感,灌模的標準化作業更是嚴重削弱手工車枳的生存空間。立體的車枳產品如此,平面木製產品亦同樣被夾版及中密度纖維板所取代,造型上或可多變,材質質感變差卻是無可避免的事實。 6.機械化後的危機 產業機械化後所帶來便利的例子,在現代社會中不勝枚舉,機械化便利的背後,隱藏的卻是匠師人才及傳統技藝的流失。如何保存與傳承,成為現代社會最頭痛卻也不得不面對的問題。 關鍵詞:埔里手工藝產業、木製產業、聖誕節、郵購贈品、工藝文化


Puli-development achievements in export of wooden handicraft industry of dazzling city is also home of the author, Christmas, Easter, Halloween around the world which were wooden jewelry, wooden furnishings, appliances and mail order gifts of life the most important town of origin, almost home, called the Christmas jewelry industry in the world. The technology industry as early as1960era have developed. For the export of wooden handicraft industry in Puli, now both wood-related technologies, using recorded or other, with few relevant details. Review related literature of Puli export of wooden handicraft industry in the past, to Puli to explore the development of craft industries and local range of monographs works is insufficient, particularly in the study on the theme of Christmas jewelry industry is missing, so this will be the topic of future research can continue development, and related research from industry-oriented thinking. On this, this research aims for Puli wood system export crafts industry, made from history direction do for main research of expositions starting point, this research expectations through from history literature of review research process and pastoral investigation, and interview, again review and setting Qing about Puli wood system crafts industry, and analysis Puli wood system crafts industry of process, and technology, and material, and organization, and people, and products style, Christmas jewelry and wood system export industry market and Puli wood system crafts industry by Sheng and failure of causes. Proposed by the industries sustainable development-oriented thinking, discuss how to continue, what is the center of industrial history as major areas of research, through field surveys and access discussion, expect the emergence of some new thinking. As regards the main results of this study have six items: 1. the advantages and limits of natural resources Puli special geographical advantage and limitation, abundant human resources and the supply of wood, for exporting wooden handicraft industry in Puli brought a good development opportunity. 2. the affected industries to sprout the rise and fall of political and economic background Puli in good conditions of development, coupled with Taiwan manufacture technology of low wages and hard labour power, with each passing day, create wood export handicraft industry boom; but it is under the pressure of adverse environmental factors, influence policy shift, making industry to decline the fate. 3. the reality of the investment rate of return Exporting wooden handicraft industry in Puli but realistic surface to reduce the rate of return on the investment of old age-induced decline, causes are numerous, one of the most major reasons can be said to "also in people, defeated in one". This "person" refers to the labour force. Because Puli closed geography and have plenty of slack season the remaining population, combined with low wages and diligence, provide industry with industry''s best source of labor. Once upon a time, low wage advantage no longer, the pole but the reality test, allow industry to transfer overseas, a new kitchen. 4. hen crafts workers as Puli when exporting wooden crafts industry faced operating difficulties, not only hard to tide against mining the goose as, cutthroat price competition, technology transfer each other lust for profits, last, ultimately hoisted by one''s own petard, the acceleration of industrial decline, until irreparable. 5. use of materials substitution Puli wood export handicrafts material was wood, but since the alternative material appears, being replaced by the major crisis facing. First is POLY(polyester resin) the emergence of wood have been made has become more difficult, they would have to rely on imports,POLY on the price and access to not only the best position, more can be rendered unable to make wood textures, filling mold of standardized work is seriously weakened hand car of Fructus aurantii immaturus living space. Stereo car of Fructus aurantii immaturus products, flat wooden products also are caught and replaced by a medium-density fibreboard, modelling, or changeable, material texture variation is inevitable fact of life. 6. after the mechanization of crisis Convenience with the mechanization of industry examples abound in modern society, mechanization facilities behind the hides are talented craftsman and the loss of traditional skills. How do I save and inheritance, became the biggest headache of modern society but also have to deal with the problem. Keywords: Puli handicraft industries, wood industries, Christmas, mailorder gifts, crafts and culture


