  • 學位論文


The Innovative Interface Design for Old-age Pension Withdrawal System

指導教授 : 諸葛正


國內金融業因傳統存放款利潤降低,轉而以手續費收入為主的保險、理財及信託等業務為核心。而服務的介面也以自動櫃員機(Automatic Teller Machine,ATM)等電子化設備服務取代臨櫃服務以降低人事成本支出。惟國內自動櫃員機操作介面普遍缺乏親和性,對於因身體機能逐漸退化的高齡使用者而言,操作ATM以取代臨櫃交易無疑是一大難題。加上高齡人口佔全部人口數比例逐年上升,設計一套專為高齡族群量身打造的ATM操作介面,降低操作時的挫折感,進而提高其使用意願是極有必要性的。本研究首先透過文獻資料之探討,藉由通用設計的使用法則,以確立「圖形使用者介面」、「字體放大」、「減少選單的深度及廣度」、「圖形與標籤文字維持一致性」、「必要時才使用數值資料」及「直接、簡單、一致之設計」等介面設計原則。接者進行前期測試,統計分析高齡者對於ATM操作介面的要求、其最常辦理之業務項目及提領金額等,將現有操作畫面去蕪存菁,並加入「以存摺取代金融卡」之創新概念;此外,更針對對照組的操作介面,歸納整理出包括「圖片失真」、「資訊雜亂」、「廣告過多」等設計缺失及「利用字體大小區隔各類訊息」、「呼應企業CIS精神」等設計重點。 綜上研究探討,提出「老年年金提款系統之創新設計」模組,藉由20位高齡者測試使用,紀錄二次施測情形,觀察其操作時間及錯誤次數,結果顯示:兼具「圖像顯示」、「只保留必要功能」、「字體放大」、「精減選單階層」等ATM介面設計重點,的確能加快使用者的操作時間及減少錯誤發生率,「老年年金提款系統操作介面之創新設計」模組確為高齡者所更易於接受。


Since lower and lower profits of deposits business, insurance business, wealth management and trust services now are the key cores of financial industry. In order to cut down personnel costs, automatic teller machines (Automatic Teller Machine,ATM) has been used widely. However, the existing ATM interface are not specific designed for elderly users, so it was undoubtedly a problem for them to operate it. With the number of old age population increasing year by year, to design a tailored ATM operation interface for senior citizens group, to reduce the frustration of operation, moreover, to increase their use will be necessary. This study discuss on the literature data firstly, establishing "graphical user interface","enlarge font", "reducing the depth and breadth of menu", "graphics maintains consistency with the volume label text", "uses data when necessary" and "direct, simple, consistent design" interface design principles. Then the system finds out what are the most possible problems for the elderly when using ATM, in addition, more for controlled group of operation interface, summarized finishing out including "pictures distortion", "information clutter", "advertising too much","design missing", the "uses font large community isolation various message", and "echoed enterprise CIS spirit" of design focus. Comprehensive research discussion, made "old annuity drawing system of innovation design" module, through 20 elders who test using, records 2 times effects measuring situations, observation its operation time and the errors number, results displayed: both "image displayed", "only retained necessary features", and "font zoom", and "fine reduction menu class", ATM interface design focus, indeed can accelerated user of operation time and the reduced errors occurs rate that "The Innovative Interface Design for Old-age Pension Withdrawal System "module for the elderly are easier to accept.


User-Interface Graphical Pension ATM Universal Design Old-age


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