  • 學位論文


A Study on Feasibility of Applying Green Building Evaluation Indices to Environmental Direct Benefit Analysis of Green Buildings

指導教授 : 周慧瑜


因應全球暖化與氣候極端化,及科學家所提出地球溫度上升攝氏兩度後即進入不可逆生態毀滅循環的嚴重警告,世界各國對於節能減碳議題應展現出積極態度與實際作為。我國政府從2003年間開始推展綠建築之相關策略,至今綠建築目前在國內仍舊處於行銷效果大於環保責任、成本考量重於環保價值的宣導階段,且政府有鑑於世界各國政府與企業均已投入環境會計系統之建置與推廣,已由行政院環境保護署於2000年開始進行產業環境會計之系統規劃研究,目前也訂定有「產業環境會計指引」,企業可藉著環境會計,清楚掌握其基於環境保護目的所支出之成本及可獲得之環境直接與間接效益,並據以作為檢討與長期規劃綠色製程與永續經營策略之重要資訊基礎。 本研究基於各類參與者對綠建築投資的主導強度與誘因程度,選定站在最具主導性且誘因彈性相對較大的建築開發者立場上,主要依據我國現行建築技術規則、EEWH綠建築九大指標評估系統及環境會計指引等三方面之法令規範及作業準則,並援引其他相關文獻之研究成果,討論是否可以既有之綠建築指標系統為基礎,發展適用於建築開發業之環保直接效益認列方法。探討是否可運用既有之法令規章與綠建築評估制度,延伸建立適用建築專案之環境會計認列方法,由一項綠建築實際案例作為試算範例,以求更清楚說明本研究建立之環保直接效益認列方法及重於環保直接效益的衡量。 因此本研究擬站在相對成熟之工具基礎上,思考是否可應用綠建築指標系統,發展適合建築開發業者使用,亦即符合專案導向認列特性之環境會計系統。主要是因為,一方面既有之環境會計架構,在企業為環境保護所投入之成本與效益的認列上,是以一般製造業、服務業之生產與經營模式為準,對於營建業專案導向的生產特性而言,現有架構並不適用。因此本研究總結出可應用來發展環境會計中之環保直接效益者總計有六項指標,並涵蓋有八個效益值。


Energy saving and carbon reduction have become important policies and administrative targets for many countries for adapting to global warming and extreme climate, and for responding to scientists’ warning that our Earth could face "irreversible" destruction on ecological environment if she keeps moving towards an over 2 degree Celsius rise in global temperatures. Taiwan government started to promote “Green Building” since 2003, and has developed a green building labeling system called EEWH by Ministry of The Interior. On the other hand, seeing that many countries and companies across the world have started to adopt “Environmental Accounting” as a primary tool to measure, report, and manage a company’s current and future environmental costs and opportunities, in Taiwan the Environmental Protection Administration undertook the task of issuing guidelines on environmental accounting for industries as well since 2000. This research, from building investors’ standpoint, discussed the feasibility of applying domestic existing green building evaluation indices to developing the rules of recognizing environmental direct benefit for green building projects. The discussion concluded that there could be six indicators used to measure the environmental direct benefits, and eight benefit values can be set as accounting titles. In the end a real case of green building project was collected for a trial to see if the research outcomes could be put into practice well. The results of the research could be the first step to develop an environmental accounting system suitable for the construction industry.


3. 行政院環境保護署統計室編著,「產業環境會計指引」,行政院環境保護署,臺灣臺北市, 2008。
15. 洪巧軒,「既有建物『綠建築化』之適宜性評估與檢討」,碩士論文,朝陽科技大學營建工程系,2010。
10. 張又升,「建築物生命週期二氧化碳減量評估」,碩士論文,國立成功大學建築系,2002。
1. UNEP (1996). Emerging Stakeholders, United Nations Environment Programme, Kenya: Nairobi.
2. United Nations, ” Draft Decision/CP.15 of Framework Convention on Climate Change “, Copenhagen , Denmark , 2009。
