  • 學位論文


Durability of Lightweight Aggregate Concretes Subject to Different Acid Attack Environments

指導教授 : 李明君


本研究針對『酸蝕環境對於輕質骨材混凝土耐久性影響』進行探討評估,配比設計包括普通混凝土、三種輕質骨材混凝土(其中包括兩種不同輕質骨材粒徑以及發泡粒添加之輕質骨材混凝土),共四種混凝土配比,本期主要是針對輕質骨材混凝土之耐久性質研究,環境為化學性侵蝕浸泡試驗(化學浸泡試驗包括20%硫酸、10%鹽酸、10%硫酸鎂共三種),於上述環境下進行相關試驗,包括(1)抗壓強度(2)重量損失(3)吸水率試驗(4)孔隙率與孔隙分佈(壓汞試驗),探討其環境與配比對強度及耐久性之影響。 研究結果顯示,輕質骨材使用於混凝土當中可明顯的減低混凝土的單位重,但輕質骨材本身的骨材強度較低,直接反應在混凝土強度上。但輕質骨材的使用對於化學環境侵蝕情況下,抗壓強度損失率較普通混凝土相差有限,且抗壓強度損失與重量損失率較低於普通混凝土,且在環境侵蝕齡期90天後,其於輕質骨材混凝土孔隙中的膠體孔隙也低於普通混凝土,顯示出對於酸蝕環境侵蝕之耐久性影響,輕質骨材的使用上有優於普通混凝土之處。且以發泡粒取代部分之輕質骨材除降低其單位重,也發現酸蝕環境對於發泡粒侵蝕影響程度低,如適當使用可以減少酸蝕環境對於混凝土耐久性影響。 關鍵字:輕質骨材、酸蝕、抗壓強度、耐久性


耐久性 酸蝕 輕質骨材 抗壓強度


In this study, the durability of lightweight aggregate concrete subject to different acid attack environments is assessed. Four mix design concretes included ordinary concrete, two lightweight aggregate concrete and one foam lightweight aggregate concrete. This project aims to run the durability of lightweight aggregate concrete in three chemical immersion environments, including 20% sulfuric acid, 10% hydrochloric acid, and 10% magnesium sulfate environments with relevant tests. The study was tested and evaluated by the following items: (1) compressive strength, (2) weight loss rate, (3) water absorption test, (4) porosity and pore distribution (pressure mercury analyzer) test, (5) macro and microscopic analysis. The results showed that the higher specific weight of lightweight aggregate concrete would exhibit relatively high strength and unit weight. At three chemical immersion tests, the strength of ordinary concrete and three lightweight aggregate concretes will decrease with the same tendency at initial stage. Both strength reduction and weight loss ratio of lightweight aggregate concrete specimens were better than those of normal concrete ones after 90 days soaking chemical immersion. The pore distribution results also found that ordinary concretes in gel pores distribution have relatively high proportion as compared with lightweight concrete, while the total pore volume of lightweight concretes in the magnesium sulfate immersion have less proportion as compared with ordinary concrete. After three chemical immersion tests, the strength reduction and weight loss ratio of foam lightweight aggregate concrete have less proportion as compared with ordinary concrete and other lightweight aggregate concretes. Keywords: lightweight aggregate, pore distribution, strength, durability


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【23】 鄭文信,「人造輕質骨材混凝土耐久性之研究」,碩士論文,國立成功大學土木工程研究所,2006。
【26】 湯兆緯,「輕質粒料混凝土污工單元之簡介」,輕質骨材混凝土產業成果研討會,2007年9 月。
【6】 F’ed’eration Internationale de la Pre’contrainte( FIP),“FIP Manual of Lightweight Aggregate Concrete”,Surrey University Press,London,1983.


