  • 學位論文


The Research of The Architect’s Role in The Joint Property’s Separation

指導教授 : 周慧瑜


土地共有的原因,大都是來自家族親屬關係之繼承或贈與,經過數十年甚至百年後,因共有人之死亡及財產繼承,土地面積不變,但共有人數卻越來越多,及都市計劃發布後街道開闢、不規則的分割共有地,使得共有地在都市中變成亂象,導致土地荒廢且不能合法開發利用,除耗費土地資源外更影響都市景觀。 共有地經分割後,往往把原本可以規劃成大樓的土地,卻只消極的把土地細分成各別獨棟的透天土地、甚至有些還變成瑣碎、無法建築使用的畸零地,只解決了共有的問題卻降低了土地的價值而不自知,共有人的利益也因此大幅縮水。 本研究採實證判決分析方法,除參考判決書及裁判主文外,亦在裁判分割之程序運作過程從中觀察,並由過去所承辦案件實際面臨的問題及實施裁判分割訴訟所產生的問題中發現,協議分割與裁判分割的過程中,極少有專業的參與,以至於問題叢生。本研究嘗試以建築師專業規劃的角度,透過實際分割案例的研究,來探討共有土地透過法律程序冗長的過程後,其實只消極解決了土地共有的問題,反而製造了其他建築相關如碎地、未面臨建築線、不能合法申請建築等,更複雜的新問題。如果共有物分割能夠結合建築師的規劃專業,在協議分割或裁判分割中,發揮專業參與的功能,則必能減少很多共有物的不當分割及錯誤判決,避免土地資源的浪費及錯誤使用,並減少法院的案量。


Multiple ownership of a piece of land usually formed because the ownership of one person would be inherited or gifted to multiple persons from generation to generation. Co-ownership makes it difficult to reach co-owners’ consensus on land use, and results in many deformed lands which cannot be developed legally. So such pieces of land are left unused, and become the tumour of urban landscape. Although co-ownership can be divided into independent ownerships through “co-ownership partition” according to law, however, in practice co-ownership partition often create “share-chopping” problems. That’s the reason we can frequently see a piece of land originally big enough to build a mansion or an office building turned out many small pieces of lands strewn with single-family detached houses or many deformed lands left unused. It shows that land value and each co-owner’s interests should be considered more deliberately in co-ownership partition. This research reviewed co-ownership partition verdicts rendered by the court in Taiwan, and analysed potential controversial issues derived from the verdicts. The discussion concluded that the crucial reason of aforementioned “share-chopping” problems is the lack of professional participated in decision making of co-ownership partition, no matter the partition is made in accordance with the method agreed by all co-owners or ordered by the court. Moreover, the “professional” herein means architects who possess completed skills for land planning and architectural design. The results of this research showed that if architects could be statutorily consulted in co-ownership partition, the consequences can be more valuable for land use and more profitable for all co-owners of land.


[9] 陳明燦,〈數人共有數筆土地之分割問題—最高法院九七年台上字第一零一三號判決〉,《台灣法學雜誌》,118期,頁196-201(2008年12月)
[1] 陳明燦、林志昌,〈共有土地判決分割之法律經濟分析〉,《月旦民商
