  • 學位論文


Study on Categorization of Alpha Wave Music

指導教授 : 羅有隆


現今,行動多媒體播放器被廣泛的使用,如:智慧型手機、平板電腦……等等,讓數位音樂的需求量大增,對於音樂資料庫的應用也更加熱門。音樂資料的內容可以提供多樣的特徵,以用來作為分類或查詢的參考依據,例如:主旋律、節拍與和弦等等,都可以用來呈現每一首音樂獨特的曲風與特性。因此,以內容為主的音樂擷取,多年來一直都是音樂資料庫研究的重要方向,在相關研究的議題有音樂的分類、特徵擷取、(多)特徵索引或近似搜尋等等,都是為了幫助使用者可以快速找到所需要的音樂。 此外,音樂治療是利用音樂來幫助病人改善他們身心靈的健康。當人們放鬆閉眼休息的時候,人的腦部訊號會產生一種頻率介於8~14Hz間的α波。許多的醫學相關研究報告指出,有一些特定的音樂可以與人腦的α波產生共振,並增強此波的產生。如此,這些α波音樂可以幫助人們更加的放鬆紓壓,當人們需要休息時,將可以有很大的幫助。這也就是為什麼人們在放鬆或紓壓時,經常喜歡聽著音樂的緣故。目前對這些α波音樂的分類,都是靠專家做人工辨別。雖然也已經有許多的音樂分類研究被發表,但多是依音樂的風格與流派在分類,例如:搖滾、古典、爵士、鄉村等等。 至今還沒有對α波音樂的分類方法研究被提出來。這個研究報告,我們將探討如何對α波音樂做分析。 期望我們的研究成果,能幫助發展音樂分類系統更為擴大應用與實用可行,以及希望能對音樂治療方面也有所助益。


Since portable devices and digital audio players (ex. iPad, iPod, iPhone, Smartphone, etc.) become more and more popular, the essential of digital music also becomes urgent. It brings on the applications of music database in great demand. The content of digital music provides many features which can be used for music analysis and retrieval. The music features, such as melody, rhythm, chord, and so on, can represent the music styles and characteristics. Therefore, content-based music retrieval is an important research field for music databases. The related researches consist of music classification, music feature extraction, music indexing, approximate music searching and so forth which are all used for users to easily and quickly search the target in a music database. Furthermore, music therapy uses music to help patients to improve or maintain their physical and spiritual health. When people relax with closed eyes, an alpha wave in the frequency range of 8–12Hz appears with brain signals. There were many medical reports proofed that some specific music can resonate with the alpha wave. Therefore, these alpha wave music can improve more relaxing for people and is very helpful when they need to take a rest. That's why people like to listen music when relaxing. Currently, these of specific music are classified manually by expertise only. The existing music classification approaches are almost all categorized by styles and genres, such as pop, classical, jazz, folk, etc. Accordingly, till now, there is no research report studied about classification of alpha wave music. In this research, we will investigate the content-based features of the alpha wave music, and develop the classification method for alpha wave music. We expect our effort can help to expand the applications and develop the more realistic of music classification system as well as to aid music therapy.


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