  • 學位論文


Factors in Taiwan affected household consumption expenditure hairdressing

指導教授 : 陳宗玄


台灣簽訂「海峽兩岸服務貿易協議」,國內美容美髮業備受各方矚目與關心,政府開放陸資來臺,恐出現大型美容美髮集團來臺低價搶佔市場,衝擊本土連鎖及中小型業者。根據行政院主計處民國100年工商及服務業普查資料顯示,100年底美容美髮業企業家34,407家,從業員工人數59,726人,年收入總額是 599.6億元,平均每家業者從業員工人數1.73人,平均每家年營業總額是174.2萬元,由此可見國內美容美髮業多屬小規模經營,又屬內需服務消費市場,因此;面對開放陸資來台投資,勢必會引發不小的競爭。本文使用民國80年至100年家庭收支調查原始資料,分別從世代與時期兩個面向探討家庭美容美髮消費支出變化。經由世代與時期分析發現,家庭美容美髮消費支出明顯受到可支配所得和社會階層變數的影響。因消費型態的屬性不同而有所差異。地理區位對於家庭美容美髮消費支出也是顯著重要的影響變數,致使國內美容美髮業未來發展勢必面臨消費支出極大的挑戰或衰退。 本研究以不同世代與時期來探討台灣家庭美容美髮消費支出,然而結果發現不同世代中,其人類會因為成長背景與生活經驗的差異及個人特色,在不同年齡層的族群間;彼此有著不同影響對家庭美容美髮消費支出均會產生不同價值觀與行為模式。 關鍵詞:美容美髮、工商普查、消費支出、家庭、不同世代


Taiwan signed a "Cross-Strait Agreement on Trade in Services", the domestic hairdressing industry sudden attention and care, open land owned Taiwan, fear the emergence of large hairdressing group to Taiwan cheap seize the market, the impact of the local chain and small and medium businesses. According to DGBAS Commerce, Industry and Services of the Republic 100 years of census data shows that 100 hairdressing industry by the end of the number of entrepreneurs 34,407 family practitioners employs 59,726 people, with total annual income was 59.96 billion yuan, the average number of employees per family business practitioners 1.73 people the average total annual turnover of each is 1.742 million yuan, we can see that the domestic hairdressing industry is mostly small-scale operations, and domestic service belongs to the consumer market, and therefore; the face of open land and capital to invest in Taiwan, will inevitably lead to no small competition . As used herein, the Republic of 80 years to 100 years, household income and expenditure survey raw data, which examine changes in household consumption expenditure hairdressing from two generations and for the period. Analysis period through generations and found that household consumption expenditure hairdressing significantly affected disposable income and social class variables. Consumption patterns due to different attributes vary. Geographical location for family hairdressing spending is significantly important influence variables, resulting in the country is bound to the future development of hairdressing industry is facing great challenges in consumer spending or recession. In this study, different generations and times to discuss Taiwan household consumption expenditure beauty salons, but found that different generations, because of its human upbringing and life experiences and personal differences in characteristics between groups of different ages; another has a different impact household spending on beauty salons will have different values and behavior pattern. Keywords: Household Hair-Salon, Consumption pattern, Consumer spending


陳宗玄(2007)。週休二日對家庭休閒消費支出影響之研究。管理學域學術研討會論文集,第八屆_下 F-33-F-50。
詹慧珊、林容慧(2004)。美容美髮從業人員行業特性與工作倦怠之研究。 台南女院學報,第23期,頁181-206。
