  • 學位論文


Research on the Preservation Strategies of Sugar Industrial Heritage - A Case Study of Chi-Hu Sugar Factory

指導教授 : 楊敏芝


糖產業文化資產隨著時代的洪流中起伏,從歷史的端點糖產業一直佔有其重要性。由明鄭時期開始的各式糖廍以人工方式製糖,至日治時期因需求逐漸大增遂以新式工廠替代,故促成糖產業興盛成為社會與國家經濟的推力,其中運作的製糖工廠、供給原料的甘蔗園及運送甘蔗的鐵道此三項重要因素,亦成就糖產業對臺灣的貢獻。然而臺灣光復後經濟發展開始逐漸由農業轉為工業,糖產業也因國家經濟結構的改變逐漸沒落,在整個糖產業的變遷中,產業生產已不敷成本面臨停產與閉廠,部分廠區在停廠後亦積極尋求再生的契機。在此同時隨著閉廠後的產業紋理與舊有建築物,經常尚未適宜評估就遭致毀壞而消失殆盡。因此目前臺灣僅存的幾座糖廠猶如珍貴的糖產業文化資產,它不僅表徵著臺灣發展歷程中的的產業文化價值,同時也是尋求追溯各時期臺灣糖業發展脈絡的基石。 溪湖糖廠於2002年閉廠後逐漸轉型成為觀光文化園區,其間承蒙文化部進行產業文化資產清查工作,保存許多產業設備與文物,而在西元2012年由臺灣舉辦「國際工業遺產保存委員會第十五屆會員大會」中,來自26國的專家學者至溪湖糖廠參訪,均對溪湖糖廠保有豐富且完整的糖產業文化資產印象深刻,前秘書長Mr.Stuart Smith並言道走遍全世界已相當難見保留如此完整的產業製程,由此可見溪湖糖廠現存之製糖工廠、與日本山形縣同為兄弟血脈之346蒸汽火車、產業機具如運蔗車、壓榨室、糖蜜槽及其他鐵道附屬文物等糖產業文化資產,係為溪湖糖廠不可抹滅之糖產業文化資產。因此本研究為探討溪湖糖廠糖產業文化資產之價值與建構保存策略,選定彰化縣溪湖糖廠作為個案研究對象,藉由分析溪湖糖廠相關環境資源與保存課題,建構溪湖糖廠糖產業文化資產保存策略。


Sugar industrial heritage has witnessed several eras in Taiwan. From the historic perspective, the sugar industry had always played an important role in Taiwan. Since Koxinga governed Taiwan in the Ming Dynasty, sugar factories in Taiwan produced sugar by hand, which was replaced by machine production due to growing needs during the Japanese ruling period. As the result the sugar industry prospered, helping the society and country to grow. Sugar factories, sugarcane farms and the Taiwan Sugar Railways were the three major elements behind the sugar industry’s contribution to Taiwan. However, since Taiwan’s retrocession, the economy shifted from an agriculture-based economy to an industry-oriented economy. Later in the 1980s, the economy further transformed to a service sector and high technology-based economy. Therefore, the sugar industry, which was said to be the mother of Taiwan’s culture, has lost its dominant role in Taiwan’s economic development. As the sugar industry changed, production ceased and many factories were shut down due to high cost and low revenues. Many factories were abandoned or struggled to find a chance to get on their feet again. Environmental texturing and the old buildings, which changed as time went by, were often torn down without prior and careful evaluations. The last few sugar industry buildings still standing are precious cultural heritage of the industry. They represent the culture from the Japanese ruling era and are key components as we explore the history of the sugar industry’s development in all eras in Taiwan. The 15th International TICCIH Congress was held in Taiwan in 2012, during which experts and scholars from 26 countries visited the XiHu Sugar Factory, all impressed at how well the factory preserved its rich sugar industrial heritage. The Congress’ former secretary general, Mr. Stuart Smith, stated that he has traveled the world and has never seen anything like this. The manufacturing process, SL346 Steam Locomotive (Yamagata Prefecture in Japan has the other locomotive in dynamic preservation - #347), sugarcane cart, molasses tanks and other sugar railway relics are so well preserved at this factory. Therefore this study aims to explore the value of the sugar industrial heritage and formulate its preservation strategy, using Chi-hu Sugar Factory in Changhua County as the case study. By analyzing the environmental resources and development issues around the factory.


2.Jack F. Williams(魏廉思)作,吳育臻譯,1997,《糖業:台灣發展的甜劑》,國立高雄師範大學地理學系-環境與世界,第一期。
