  • 學位論文


Redesign of Traditional Raku Kiln

指導教授 : 胡祖武


台灣發展陶瓷產業過程中,因受新台幣實質匯率之變動、台灣工資上漲等因素影響,勞力密集的陶瓷產業迅速萎縮,陸續關廠外移,本土陶瓷業者努力轉型,進而轉向發展精緻化、原創性的內銷市場,陶藝在當今受到普遍的重視和認識,一般的陶瓷窯燒都需要長時間的燒成,另一種在陶藝領域中最具變化性,且也最為簡便的項目─「樂燒」,讓我們不必在特定的窯爐、窯場,就可以隨地隨時享受整個窯燒過程的樂趣,本研究主要係將耐火棉板及耐熱震技術應用在行動式樂燒窯的實驗研究,此外並針對傳統樂燒窯產品缺失進行開發改良設計。 傳統的「樂燒」進行過程中,因為窯體的組裝費時與費工,且傳統使用石棉當成窯體材質並不安全的,本研究為了改善目前樂燒窯的安全性與便利性,加入防火綿板與耐熱震陶土進行窯體改良,建構兼具燒烤功能與燒窯樂趣的特色窯體。利用窯體內熱對流的應用,在空氣的對流方面,主要是因為冷空氣下降,熱空氣上升的原因,所以會產生熱的對流;設置溫度調節層板與煙囪結構;煙囪的設置可幫助氣體對流,當熱空氣順著煙囪向上傳遞時,新鮮的冷空氣可以不斷補充,讓窯體內的燃燒效果更好。本研究將耐火棉板及耐熱震技術應用在行動式樂燒窯,此外並針對傳統樂燒窯產品缺失進行改良設計。行動式樂燒窯開發設計並製作改良實測窯體與烤爐,改良窯體融合陶藝的外觀造型設計,突顯樂燒窯代表性與視覺的巧思,亦能呈現與現有產品的差異。主要傳達設計與陶土藝術特色具有文化附加價值,整體改良後的樂燒窯體分成上下兩個部份,下方主要為製作樂燒窯之燒窯窯爐,上方為耐熱震陶板所製作的窯烤爐,藉由胚體素燒加熱後的熱能循環將上方窯爐加熱,為休閒目的所附加於樂燒窯體上方的耐熱震烤爐,可以配合當季當地農產品,推出適合與美味的食譜製作,滿足消費者求新求變的視覺與味蕾的體驗。


The ceramics industry in Taiwan is currently changing rapidly. This is due to many factors, among them the exchange rate of the Taiwan Dollar and the increasing cost of labor in the country. The industry has traditionally been very labor-intensive, which has led companies to seek lower wage costs offshore. Local ceramics firms are attempting to transition into newer ways of producing their products. For instance, kiln firing as done in the past involves a great deal of time. There are many kinds of pottery art. A type that is simple and easy to produce is called Raku. In this process, it is not necessary to be close to a large kiln in order to make the products. The Raku kiln is portable, and the potter is able to set it up nearly wherever he or she wants to. Our study uses a new technology based on a ceramic fiber blanket. It provides better thermal shock resistance for a more efficient kilning process, and makes a kiln portable. It corrects some of the shortcomings of the older type kiln. Because traditional Raku assembly is time-consuming and requires a lot of labor, we are studying ways to improve the convenience of pottery making. In the past, asbestos, a dangerous substance, was used as insulation in the kilns. New Raku removes this element. New methods use different, safer materials for insulation. This portable kiln is made possible through the development of the Ceramic Fiber Blanket. This blanket provides the insulation that asbestos did formerly. A box can now be built nearly anywhere, and, once wrapped with the ceramic blanket, makes a kiln that works well for the firing of ceramics. A Raku kiln is divided into two parts: a lower, which contains the furnace (heat source) and an upper, where the new pots rest while being fired. New Raku also uses air convection to increase efficiency. Using the principle of hot air rising, the temperature inside the kiln can more easily be adjusted. As hot air rises up the chimney, fresh, cold air can be pumped in from the bottom, making the firing faster and decreasing the time spent. An improved chimney design also decreases waste present in older methods. The new kiln uses a modern, stylish design that will appeal to more people . It allowspeople to use local materials and ideas and showcase the ingenuity, creativeness, and culture of local ceramicists. The new Raku uses upper and lower chambers, the lower containing the kiln heat, and the upper being an oven for the placement of the ceramics being fired. This new kiln, using convection heat, allows projects to be conducted locally. A central kiln is no longer necessary. Therefore, local ingredients and styles can be developed, making for different styles in different parts of the country, and satisfying customers who want a new, non-traditional experience. Our study seeks ways to improve the design of new Raku, making it possible for many more people in different places to fire their ceramics. The improvements in kiln design will hopefully make the ceramics industry in Taiwan more adaptable to the changing industry world-wide.


7. 李堅萍(2005)。陶藝釉藥呈色劑之顯色能力研究
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