  • 學位論文


Implement Outdoor Education Programs to Improve Psychology of Adjustment for Children-A Case Study of “ Solaso ” Camp

指導教授 : 魏宗明


本研究旨在探討戶外教育活動對學童生活適應之促進情形。以「手拉手」營隊在2015年2月7日到2015年2月14日所舉辦「中橫8天7夜」健行之戶外教育活動的參與者為研究對象,了解參與戶外教育活動對學童生活適應能力促進的情形。研究中以「國小學童生活適應量表」為測驗工具,且輔以對「手拉手」營隊之營隊長、導引員及家長等8人之深度訪談記錄,並以在活動進行前後對參與活動的8位學童進行施測,根據施測結果分析、觀察記錄、訪談紀錄和省思回饋記錄等資料,進行分析,獲得下列四點結果: 一、「手拉手」戶外教育活動對營隊學員之個體行為有促進效果。 二、「手拉手」戶外教育活動對營隊學員之家庭關係有促進效果 三、「手拉手」戶外教育活動對營隊學員之同儕人際關係有促進效果。 四、「手拉手」戶外教育活動對營隊學員之社會適應有較明顯的促進效果。 最後,根據研究結果對「手拉手」營隊、家長、學校及未來研究者提出若干建議,供未來有志於辦理戶外教育活動者之參考。 關鍵詞:戶外教育活動、生活適應、手拉手營隊。


This study aims to explore implement outdoor education programs to improve psychology of adjustment for children. Using the “Solaso Camp” activity of ” Central Cross-island Highway 8 Days ” hiking programs ( From February 7, 2015 to February 14, 2015) as an example. To realize that the participation progress their adaptability of children life adjustment during outdoor education programs process. This study will argue that the "Elementary School Children Life Adjustment " sheet developed by Shin-Hwa Wu(2005)can provide a framework for children life adjustment, as well as giving observation and depth interview by “Solaso Camp” leader, guiding staff and the parents, using as the criterion reference conducting a survey during activities, and a method of analyzing their progressive. As research report has been found as followings : 1、The “Solaso Camp” outdoor education activities on the individual behavior of the children have progressing effective. 2、The “Solaso Camp” outdoor education activities on the family relationship of the children have progressing effective. 3、The “Solaso Camp” outdoor education activities on the friendship and interpersonal relationship of the children have progressing effective. 4、The “Solaso Camp” outdoor education activities on the society interpersonal adjustment of the children have progressing effective. Finally, according to the results of research to indicate several recommendations for the “Solaso” Camp, parents, school and prospective researchers. To provide the reference of contest activities for them in the future. Keyword: outdoor education programs, psychology of life adjustment,“Solaso Camp”


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