  • 學位論文


Factors Affecting Consumers’ Willingness to Purchase Tele-healthcare Products

指導教授 : 鍾任琴 陳永福


台灣人口急遽高齡化,人口老化速度位居全球第二,僅次於日本,也帶動銀髮健康和安全照護的需求。而遠距照護的實施便是為了要因應人口快速老化與疾病型態的慢性化,藉由建置遠距照護服務網絡,使病患獲得持續性的醫療及生活照護。由於消費者購買商品時,常會根據許多外在之線索進行商品評估;其中,如何讓消費者在評估的過程中產生較高的知覺品質並且提升商品在消費者心中之價值,進而讓消費者產生更高的購買意願,則是供應商須重視之議題。故本研究應用結構方程式(SEM)來探討台灣民眾對於遠距照護商品的產品知識、知覺風險、知覺利益及知覺價值等各變數間之因果關係,作為探討影響消費者購買遠距照護商品意願影響之因素及其理論架構。 本研究以問卷調查法為主,抽取台灣台中及彰化地區的民眾為調查對象,以研究者所編製的「遠距照護商品購買意願」量表為工具,共發出調查問卷500份,有效回收問卷421份,有效回收率為84.2%。採用的統計方法主要包括:因素分析、次數分配、平均數、標準差、百分比、路徑分析等統計方法進行問卷資料分析。 研究結果顯示,遠距照護商品的知覺風險對於消費者的知覺價值有顯著影響,且對於消費者購買意願有顯著相關;知覺價值則在知覺風險對於購買意願以及知覺利益對於購買意願間,扮演著中介的角色;而產品知識對於知覺風險、知覺利益的形成以及消費者的購買意願有著顯著的影響。由結論本文提出實務上對供應廠商、政府之建議及學術上之意涵。 關鍵詞:銀髮族、遠距照護商品、知覺風險、知覺價值、知覺利益、購買意願、結構方程式


The increasing rate of aging population in Taiwan was ranked No. 2 globally, only second to Japan, resulting in a great demand of healthcare services for senior citizens. Tel-healthcare services may provide continuous cares for the elderly and the patients with chronic diseases. The profit of a company attributed to the consumers’ willingness to purchase its products. However, a couple of external information related to the products is generally used to evaluate the products by the consumers before purchasing. It is an important issue for a company to create higher purchasing willingness and to enhance perceived value and quality in the consumer’s mindset during the evaluation process. This study explored the relationships among the product knowledge, perceived risk, perceived benefits, perceived value and willingness to purchase the telecare products in Taiwan by applying a theoretical framework constructed using the structural equation modeling (SEM). A designed and verified questionnaire was used to survey the willingness of purchasing telecare product. Sampling method was adopted to select citizens from Taichung and Changhua areas to fill the questionnaire for this investigation. A total of 500 copies of questionnaire were disseminated to the sampled subjects with 421 valid copies (84.2%) received. Descriptive statistical analysis includes frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Factorial analysis and pathway analysis were also conducted. The results exhibited that the perceived risk of tele-healthcare products had significant impacts on both perceived value and willingness to purchase. Moreover, perceived value played a mediating role between perceived risk and perceived benefit, which in turn affected consumers’ willingness to purchase. In contrast, product knowledge significantly influenced the perceived risk (p<0.001) and perceived benefit of the product, as well as consumers’ willingness to buy. Keywords: Senior citizens, tele-healthcare products, perceived risk, perceived value, perceived benefit, willingness to purchase, structural equation modeling (SEM)


